Testing Chambers Are No Fun, and That's Obvious; Chapt. 1

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"There is nobody else here except me, I'm gonna bet." They sighed. "Looks like we're gonna have to go in alone," they told themself. They often talked to themself; it was pure habit by now. They proceeded inward into some lift thing and got greeted with a random, feminine sounding robotic voice, though saw nobody while they entered. As expected.

"Hello, Subject [bzzt]. I would introduce myself to you, but we will save that for later. I already know your name. [Dipper.]" She started off; probably not the best greeting, but it was still somewhat welcoming.

Right off the bat, as she finished speaking for that moment, the doors to the lift opened to reveal a chamber. Testing purposes, of course. The voice came back.

"Welcome to chamber #1, complete it and proceed onward to the next. For this one, and a few other ones, I'll guide you, but I will not always be here to help. I'll remind you for a few of these later tests that a slow and even pace is recommended for less injury if there is to be any." She paused. "You may now proceed."

Dipper went in, confused a bit. "Okay. So uh- how do I do this-?" They looked around the chamber, confused.

"Well, first, you will have to get the portal gun from the center, then proceed into the actual testing." She paused for a second. "Right there in the middle, where you're looking."

"Wait- don't tell me-"

"Yes, I am watching over you. Specifically for both protection purposes and, as you may have guessed it, testing purposes. I am required to watch over you also for the purpose to make sure you don't do anything that wouldn't be of subject for the Aperture. As I will say right now, please refrain from touching anything I say not to touch."

"...okay then."

"You seem skeptical. If so, of what?"

"Nothin', and I ain't skeptical. I'm just- new to this, I guess."

"Alright. Go ahead and proceed onward, I will instruct you after you get the portal gun." And she went quiet.

"Okay." Dipper went ahead and walked forward, but stumbled back immediately when something went in front of them. "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"Oh, forgive me. I had forgotten to tell you it might be a slight struggle to get the portal gun, seeing as it is currently shooting portals out itself."

"I wish you didn't forget," they commented in a rude tone. They scoffed slightly and sighed again, getting up since they'd fallen. "Okay. You can do this."

"I assume you talk to yourself often."

"Please be quiet so I can focus, unless you don't want me to get the gun?"


"Okay okay-" Dipper shook themself off and slightly cringed at the tone in this robo-woman's voice, knowing they'd probably ticked her off, which slightly amused them. Going forward after another ball to shoot the portal passed, they ran, jumped and snatched up the portal gun while mid-air, landing on the other side flawlessly. "Got it."

"Great job." She complemented. Of course though, like usual unless angry like before, her voice was a bit bland.

Dipper had no mind in this however. They just continued on. They remembered that now was starting the actual test.

"Alright, for this first test, you see that big red button over there, to your far left?"


"You have to use that portal gun to get one of these cubes onto that button."

"What cu-" A cube dropped down from the ceiling. "-be...oh okay. That cube. So basically, I just have to make a portal to where it needs to go?"


"Seems easy enough."

"Is it?"

"...well you saying it that way makes it sound like it's no-"

"I was only playing around. Ha, ha. Of course it will be easy. All the first tests are the easiest to get through."

"Oh, okay."

"Proceed on, I will return momentarily after you've completed this test."

"Alright, cya." Dipper slightly nodded and heard her no more, like she said, and did what was told, managing to put the portal in the area where it needed to be, and there was already one above the button, how convenient. After they got the cube on the button, they saw a door opened up. "Huh..? Wait do I leave- probably-" They slowly went to the door to see another lift awaiting them. "Guess I do." They entered the lift and it started moving. Here came that robot lady again.

"Hello again, Subject [bzzt]. Congratulations on completing the first test, now you must proceed onward to the second one. I will guide you though this one mostly, but after a moment I will no longer be of help."

"Oh- well alright." They looked around the small lift, thinking. Looking up they then noticed a small camera. "Ah, I see how you see me. Hello there."

Surprisingly, as much as she was bland, she actually slightly let out the softest of an amused giggle. "Correct. If you pay attention closely, you may be able to see the cameras in the test chambers. I'm aware they all have them, though if not, then apologies."

"That's alright. Though I have a question. How come every time you say 'Subject', a buzz sound comes after?"

"I would say that is a good question. Unfortunately, I do not know. All I know is that many people have come and gone from these test chambers. It may be I have lost count, but that could never happen, I am at least assuming so. Something may have gotten into my system, but I'll check."

"Maybe do so now so that nothing happens?"

"Good idea."

Fin Chapt. 1

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