Wherever There's a Strange Path, Don't Follow It.;Chapt. 3

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(heya! sorry this took so long, i just lost motivation and such and got busy with school. here you go lovelies!)

"Good rest, not gonna lie." Dipper stood up, stretching slightly. "Though it wasn't as long as I thought, heh. Anyway, back to the lift." They headed back to the lift and waited.

"Was it a good rest?"

"Yep, thanks."

"You're welcome. Now, may we continue on with the testing? I shouldn't be the one asking, I know, though I want your input."

"Yeah- sure. Why not."

"Good. It's not like I would let you not test."

"Wh-" Dipper rolled their eye slightly. "Whatever. Just- let's go."

"Exactly." The female voice seemed to whisper, the tone soft and quiet. Surprisingly, Dipper had no notice.

The lift started to move, leaving Dipper now stuck in there until they got to the next chamber. They quietly thought to themself, though occasionally ticked a bit.
(A/N: i have actual tics so i would appreciate if nobody said anything negative about this part, thanks < 3)

The female voice came back a moment later, mentioning something about Dipper's tics, or 'glitch-tics'. "I have a measly question. How's come you're ticking, you're a robot. Well, it's more looking like glitching. You get the point though."

"I don't like talking about it but- I just have them. I don't know when, or don't remember when, and I don't know how. They're really annoying though."

"I can tell." She paused. "Do you think you could figure out a reason as to why you have them?"

"I mean- if it's possible to figure out why, it would be n-nice to know. I want to know why. And how. And I just want them to go away." And then another one happened, in which Dipper reacted with an annoyed grumble. They looked around and sat down in the lift, looking up at the camera. "Is it gonna take a while to get to this next test?"

"It seems as so unfortunately. Fortunately, we have time to converse."

"I don't know if I want to at the moment though, my social energy is kinda- poof, gone."

"That is alright, I can attend to another thing instead. I understand how you feel."

"Well- I do have...a question-"

"Yes? What is it?"

"Well- uh-" Dipper hesitated, not knowing if they should ask. They did anyway after letting out a small breath. "Uhm- what- where is everyone else-? Is there other people here- o-or-"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you, for it is specifically classified information. I will tell you this though: Humans are disgraceful, but they make good test subjects too."

"Ew- humans- though aren't they the ones who made you? Shouldn't you be grateful for that? Sorry if this sounds snappy or something like that, I'm not trying to be."

"It's okay, it does not. But I am grateful for my existence. It is only I've been murdered by one before, and her leave was more than just a leave, I told her to never come back. Ever. What I mentioned was true. She never spoke. She was a dangerous, mute lunatic. She never listened and she always hung around with another core, whom is still to this day a moron no matter how much he denies it and refuses to believe it, before he ended up betraying her after becoming power-hungry on my station because that pathetic little human expected him to help her leave early before I allowed her to leave. Yes, I admit it, I have both been murdered before and, yes, after that ordeal with that core and human, was turned into a potato. It was not fun. Pesky birds too."

"Oh-oh wow- okay- I bet it ain't fun being a literal food item- though....interesting, I guess. Obviously never knew that. But interesting."

"Don't try to plan anything either, I know when someone does or not. I've learned my lessons."

"I- what? I wasn't going to." Dipper stared into the camera, almost slightly glaring but looked away a moment after, knowing something bad could possibly happen because this robot woman or whatever had authority, and when it comes to authority, they respect it but also rebel.

"Good." She paused. "Hm. Maybe I can give you a slightly easier test this time."

"Why slightly-?"

"Because it still needs to be hard too. You're moving on in tests and their difficulties, y'know."

"Oh- fair. Okay then- thanks I guess?"

"You're welcome, Dipper."

Fin Chapt. 3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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