Is This What a Bullet from a Turret Is?; Chapt. 2

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It was around one of the further testing chambers, probably #14, and Dipper and this random robot lady's voice continued on ever since the first one. While she was getting a tad bit annoying for them, they still didn't mind her company here and there since they got lonely a little bit. While wandering around in the current chamber they were in, trying to solve the puzzle for it, they found something on the ground. Picking it up, Dipper asked what it was. "What's this...thing-? It looks like a.. bullet..? W-woah hey you aren't gonna shoot me right-"

"No, I am not going to shoot you. There will possibly be something in that chamber that will do exactly that, though. They are called Turrets." She explained, pausing. "I wonder how they got here."

"You're the per-...robot that runs this place, I ain't gonna point fingers but I think you might have put it in here. I can see it over the-"

"Target acquired."

"SHOOTWAIT-" Dipper ran behind something while getting shot at, a bit of *red liquid dripping down their shoulder to their arm and onto the floor. "Agh.. that hurts.."
(author's note: *red liquid means obviously bl**d. i say it as "red liquid" because i have a reader of this story who has hemophobia and i would hate for them to be triggered. thanks for understanding :] )

"Don't let them see you, m-[bzzt]-Dipper. It will shoot if it sees you."

"Well THANKS, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! What do I do about this..? Also...what were you gonna say before it buzzed out and replaced with my name?"

"First, I was not going to call you anything, do not accuse me of such action. Second, after you complete this test I will send you to an infirmary before you continue. Fix yourself up there, or let the androids there do their job."

"I- okay- well thanks then, but what do I do about that Turret-?"

"Figure it out yourself. I have to do something for a moment. I will be back." And she went quiet again.

Dipper sighed. "Alright then. Lets see what I can do with you." They looked around from behind the cube they were hiding behind, then realized that the cube blocked the Turret's vision of them and picked it up before walking over to it and dodging most of the other bullets before it ran out after it went berserk. "There we go. Got it. I wonder if she knew how to do it and lied to get out of the situation." They chuckled to themself, then winced from a few more wounds. "Gonna finish this a-and then get out of this to get that help." Dipper went on and continued to do the rest of the testing, limping a bit because one or two of the bullets got into their leg. Finishing it, they went to the opened door and entered the lift. "Heyyyy I'm donneee-"

"Good job. Also, keep in mind I hear almost everything you say, so just know that I did not lie to get out of the situation. What you did was clever; picking it in then dropping it, making it waste its bullets. Though I see you have more injuries, I am sending you to the infirmary now. It may be slightly rickety, apologies if so."

The lift started to move; Dipper knew where they were going. Their left forearm, left shin, right side of their hip and right shoulder all got shot by that Turret. "Mindful to not mess with those dumb things, I hope there's no more.." They mumbled to themself. Thankfully, they didn't hear a reply or comment to that, so they thought she didn't hear. Sooner or later they were brought to the infirmary and got fixed up with the help of the androids working there. "Thanks y'all."

They both nodded and had Dipper now go.

Dipper headed back to the lift and thought of a question, asking it. "I have a question. Two, actually, but I might ask the second one later."


"Could I possibly rest a little before continuing..? I'd like to be able to keep energy up so I can continue the tests, y'know?"

She went silent, as if thinking. Taking a moment, she answered. "Just this once, since you have more injuries than normal than any other Subject that's been here. Since you're short I thought you'd be able to escape with little to no injury at all, actually."

"Well, just cause I'm small doesn't mean I'm not very prone to injury. Because I'm injury prone, though I'm surprised up until now I haven't gotten hurt."

"I would say it's because all the previous tests had no threats whatsoever. Well, besides the one with the laser ball. But you understand my statement. Correct?"


"I have never heard that said before, and so to keep my system from crashing I'd appreciate if you refrained from saying that."

"Ooookay- won't say it anymore then, just 'yep' or- whatever." They looked down with their eye, core-head still up. "...I don't understand. Why am I a core doing tests that a Subject should do-?"

She didn't answer. In fact, she didn't say a word until Dipper reached the next test chamber. She had pretty much ignored the question. "#15. I would say you're getting far, but since we have added more tests since the last few were here, you are still a ways behind, unfortunately. Fortunately, though, you may get a surprise at the end of the testing unit if you refrain from breaking any rules."

"Oh-.. sweet." They were a little confused and slightly offended that they didn't get answered to their question, but assumed it was classified information or something like that. Out of the blue they heard her say something random.

"I've been turned into a potato before."

"I- I think I knew about that before. Was it fu-"


"Jeez okay- definitely not fun being a potato, I guess."

"This test is impossible, don't try to solve it. I will be back later to see that you've not progressed."

Dipper was now just confused. Though they knew she was lying. Leaving that bit, they went and continued onward to do the puzzle. They completed it in surprisingly a few seconds. "Bam." And they went for the door.


"Eh? Hahah-"


"Thank you."

"I will send you to a place to rest since you have requested as such, but it won't be for long."

"Oh, okay then. At least I'll get rest."

Fin. Chapt. 2

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