Chapter 4

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The songwriting session ended and it had gone way better than she had expected. Lacey felt better about the Morgan situation, but she still won't let her guard down. As soon as the session ended, she waved goodbye to Miss Jean and headed out the door.

"Hey, wait up!" A voice yelled. Lacey turned around and it was Harper jogging up to her.

"So, how was it"

"It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. You could tell he was trying to get me to open up"

"Well at least y'all weren't all out fighting"

"Yea, there is that"

"Well me and Lainey were texting about going to a bar tonight, do you wanna come with us?"

"Yea for sure."

"Ok great I'll pick you up around 7:30!"

"Alright see ya then!"

Lacey and Harper went in different directions headed towards their cars to go home and get ready. When she got home Lacey hopped in the shower then dried and straightened her hair. She put on more makeup than she would on a daily basis but nothing too crazy. She put on a short white skirt with a black, sparkly, cropped shirt and some black cowboy boots. Then, she waited for Harper to get there. 

Harper got there and they headed to the bar. It wasn't packed yet seeing as it was still early so they grabbed a seat at the bar while they still could. Lainey joined them shortly after they got there. It was a southern vibe with wooden walls and a mechanical bull in the middle of the place and a stage up front. Soon people started piling in and the place became more crowded. 

The girls sat at the bar and drank for a while and after a while Harper was pulling them onto the dance floor. That was one of Lacey's favorite things to do. She never turned down a good drunk dance. They were all jumping to the beat of the remixed country song, having a great time, the alcohol in their system making them completely shameless. 

Lacey turned around to see a tall man with dark brown hair and little bit of stubble around his chin. He was very handsome, wearing jeans and and a slightly unbuttoned shirt. "Hey , I'm Blake"

"I'm Lacey" she said with a sweet smile

"I noticed you from across the room. Can I buy you a drink"

"I uh-"

"Yes, yes you can!" said Lainey, jumping into the conversation "She's single " she said with a wink

It was true she was single, she had a boyfriend for a few years but they broke up about a here before she came to Nashville. They weren't soulmates or anything. 

"A drink would be great"

Blake smiled and began making his way through the crowd back to the bar, Lacey close behind him. They found 2 seats and sat down.

"I'll have a beer and this beautiful lady right here will have a..."

"Vodka sprite"

"So are you from around here?" said Blake 

"No I actually just moved here a few days ago. I moved here from Sneedville, a small town right outside of Knoxville" 

"What brought you here?"

"I got a job at Big Loud Records as a songwriter"

"Wow that's impressive. Thats pretty much the biggest label in the business" 

"Yea, I am pretty stoked about it. What about you, what do you do?"

"I work in the insurance business. I'm from around here"

"Very cool"

" I was wondering if I could get your number? "

Lacey said yes and they exchanged numbers

"Well, do you want to go back on the dance floor"


The pair made their way back out to the floor and began swaying to the music. Blakes hands found Lacey's waist and Lacey looked up to find a smile, matching the one on her own face. Lacey felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around she saw Harper's face 

"Aren't you glad we convinced you to get that drink" she whisper shouted. 

"Yea I guess so" Said Lacey in a sarcastic voice "He's cute"

Harper left them to dance and Lacey was having a great time. She glanced to the door and in walked a sight that ruined her night. Morgan and a drop dead beautiful girl. She had long, light brown hair and was wearing a tight black dress that showed off her near perfect figure. 

"Is that Morgan Wallen?" said Blake

"Umm yea it is" she said looking down to he floor

"Wait, do you work with him? He's at Big Loud, right? "

"Yea he is, we work together sometimes" Lacey said shortly, not wanting to talk about Morgan. 

Soon the room was buzzing with talk that Morgan was there and the place became even more crowed. Luckily he hadn't noticed that Lacey was there yet. She just continued to dance trying to ignore the fact that he was there. But, she couldn't hide forever.

She felt a large, too familiar hand being placed on her back and then heard that signature southern drawl

"Who ya got here Lace?"

She turned around with a sour look on her face "This is Blake" she said in a monotone voice

"Well nice to meet you Blake, I'm Morgan" he said and reached his hand out and shaking his hand with a little too much force. A look of pain flashed across Blake's face and he said "Im Blake... nice to meet you as well"  

It was silent for a moment with the two boys staring at each other, Morgan still gripping Blake's hand. The silence was broken when the girl he was with piped in.

" Hey! Im Olivia, Morgan's girlfriend! Do you work with Morgan?"

"Yes she does. This is Lacey, one of the songwriters at Big Loud" Morgan answered for Lacey

"Hi, Olivia. Pleasure to meet you" Lacey forced out. She was taken aback by the fact that she was Morgan's girlfriend and she wasn't sure why. I mean it's been seven years. 

"Well, didn't mean to interupt yall's fun. Just wanted to say hi" Morgan said, keeping eye contact with Blake the whole time before glancing at Lacey and walking away. 

"Bye, Morgan" Said Lacey, turning back around to face Blake 

"Sorry about that"

"What? He seems nice. Strong handshake though" Said Blake, looking down at his hand and shaking it, clueless as to what just happened

"He's ok, not a huge fan" 

Lacey shook the interaction out of her head and enjoyed the rest of her night with Blake. 

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