Chapter 11

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It was a Friday afternoon, after school and Morgan was going to take me home. My dad and brother were on a hunting trip and my mom was working a night shift at the hospital. My bronco wasn't running quite how I wanted it to. Grandpa wasn't feeling well  so he hadn't been able to help me with it and I didn't want to risk it breaking down, so Morgan offered to drive me home. He had rolled the windows down on his old Silverado and we were listening to some old Hank, both singing along to the lyrics we both knew by heart. Soon we pulled down the long gravel road, leading to my house. I got out and  had taken a few steps when I heard Morgan yell behind me.

"hey, what ya doin tonight?"

I turned around and walked to the driver's side so I could talk to him.

"Well Mason and my dad are huntin' and mom is workin' so i'll probably just order a pizza and watch a movie or somthin'"

"Hell, that's no way for a pretty girl like you to spend her Friday night"

I blushed at flirty comment and was a bit taken back that he said it. He had never talked to me like that before. If only Mason would have heard that, Morgan would have his ass in the dirt by now.

"Oh it's fine"

"Nah, I'm staying and we are gonna have some fun"

"Morgan I promise I'm fine and I don't think Mason would like that very much"

"Fuck him, he's too controlling over you. I've never said anything but he is and he's not gonna know anyways. Come on now Lace"

"Alright alright but don't tell no one" 

"Ok I won't" He said smiling and hopping out of the truck.

I walked in the house, Morgan behind me, the screen door creaking as it shut behind him. It was weird being alone with him at my house. At night. It felt too... intimate. 

"Sooooo whatcha wanna do?" Morgan asked, walking around the living room. 

"Hell I don't know, you're the one that invited yourself in here"

"Strip game?" He asked with that stupid smirk of his

I picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it at him, which he dodge before running behind the couch, putting it between us

"Morgan!" I yelled "Why the hell would you say that?! I'm about the kick you out"

"Kidding kidding. Just trying to get you to loosen up, you're always so uptight"

"I'm not uptight" I said, getting defensive " I'm just not an idiot like you and my brother. I have school to worry about. I have to get good grades and get a scholarship, that's the only way I'm getting to college. And I have to worry about the house, Dad's never home, moms always working and..."

"As I said. Uptight" Morgan said, cutting off my anxious rambling "Call Addie, There's a party at the lookout. We're going"

"Mo, I have to pick up this house before Dad gets home. He'll be pissed"

"It's not even that bad, we won't stay out too long and he doesn't get back till the morning"

I stood there staring at him and decided there was no way out of this, so I went upstairs and changed. Soon we were in Morgan's truck on the way to the party. We pulled up to a massive bonfire with most of our school standing around, talking and dancing. 

We both jumped out and soon Morgan was shoving a solo cup in my hand. 


"What is it" 

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