"Shhh, Bebe, mommy got you, mommy got you." I whispered to Luciana.
"Dì a Boss che siamo arrivati." the big buff dude said to another man that was standing guard by the gate.
I understood them clearly because I, too, spoke Italian.
Translation: Tell Boss that we've arrived.
"Ok Boss sarà così entusiasta di incontrare il bambino e la donna." the other man said with a smile, then the gates opened up slowly, revealing a vast mansion.
Translation: Ok, Boss will be so excited to meet the baby and the woman.
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"Hey, are you ready to go inside?" he asked, looking back at me as he drove up the long driveway.
"I have to pee, so, yes," I said, gathering up our things in the backseat.
I know you're wondering. Why was I so willing to go with the man. The answer is I didn't want to die. I want to be there for Luciana as she ages, so I'm just hoping they let me free. I've done nothing wrong. I want to be a mother.
"Aiuta, tira fuori le loro case dall'auto e indirizzale in un bagno." he said, looking at a group of men while holding the back door open for me.
Translation: Help, get their things out of the car, and direct them to a restroom.
"Sì." the men said, nodding their heads.
Translation: Yes.
"Come, we no hurt you or baby, yes." the buff man said, looking at me.
"Can I have your name?" I asked, getting out of the car; then I reached over and grabbed Luciana out of the car seat, which was in there when we got in.
"Fernando, my dear." he said with a smile, then I nodded.
I was following the men to the entrance of the house. I looked down at Luciana, who was now sound asleep. I'm new to this whole new mother thing so getting her to sleep was perfect, even if it was for a couple of minutes.