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No one's POV
"Please Jungkook just calm down,everything will be ok" Jin said while watching Jungkook pace around the living room

"No it's not ok! He might not come back because of me all because I was being selfish.He was right,I kept pushing him away and he just wanted us two to hangout like we used to.But my anger got the best of me..." Jungkook ran his hand through his hair

"Don't worry about it...I'm sure that we can sort it out!" Hoseok took out his phone and dialled Namjoon's number.


"Hey Namjoon! How are you?"

"Fine I guess...What about you?"

"Um good! Anyway the others and I were wondering when are you going to come back?You know that you can't stay at a hotel for the rest of your life"

"Maybe in the evening I don't know"

Jin looked at Hoseok and just nodded

"Hm ok! They door is always open if you decide to come back"

"Thanks Hyung"

After that they ended the call.

"His voice sounds like he's been crying and hasn't gotten any sleep" Jimin spoke up

"Mhm...And it's all my fault" Jungkook said while dropping himself on the couch

"Kook,don't beat yourself up for it.You were upset too so no one is at fault" Taehyung said.

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