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Jungkook's POV
"WAIT WHAT?!" I yelled while looking at Jimin."please tell me this is a joke?"

Jimin shook his head.
And this is all because of some petty argument we had.
'He's actually being dramatic at this point.' I thought to myself

"You know what..If he wants to leave let him.He's being dramatic to be honest"

Taehyung and Jimin looked at me in shock.

"You guys have been friends for over ten year's and you're just gonna let him drift off like that?" Taehyung spoke up

"Yea,if that's what he wants to do let him do it.What can we do anyways?"

Taehyung and Jimin both looked at each other before looking at me
"What has gotten into you?"

"Into me? I'm not the one hiding at my fucking parents house just because my bEsT fRiEnD didn't want to hang out with me am I?! You guys are trying to imply that I'm the problem aren't you?"

"No Jungkook we-"

"Of course you were going to take his side!!! Everyone loves fucking Kim Namjoon oh he's so special! And I'm nothing! Im tired of everyone thinking that I'm the issue! Im fucking done!" I yelled at them before running up to my bedroom and slamming my door.

No one's POV

"Great.Now he's upset" Taehyung sighed while slouching onto the couch

Jimin sat down next to him "I think we need them to talk to each other so they can sort things out."

Taehyung looked over at him and nodded

"Hey..why was Jungkook shouting?" Hobi said while walking down the stairs with Yoongi following behind him

Taehyung groaned before explaining the incident to them.

"Jin-Hyung has also gone out to speak to Namjoon and see what's up with him" Jimin added on

"Oh wow..." Hoseok replied while sitting down

"I mean the only person Jungkook would listen to is Yoongi-Hyung or Jin-Hyung but he's not here"

The three looked over at Yoongi who just looked back at them confused "what?"

"Can you please go and talk to Jungkook" Hoseok pealed

Yoongi sighed before getting up from his seat and heading to Jungkook's room

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