Chapter 11: Drunk and Dumb

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"Looking for you."

"Cut the bullshit. Did you follow me here?" I said, completely infuriated.

"No. But I overheard that barista talk about a party here so I figured why not show up and ruin another chance of you living your life with peace." He said in a cocky manner, took a sip from the drink in his hands and continued, "After all what does peace matter if there's no Charles Dalton."

I looked him up and down with wrathful eyes. I hated his fake confidence, it just showed how utterly insecure he actually was. I walked away to find another target to pay for my drinks.

My mini skirt and Lily's cleavage were doing wonders. We had two men attracted to us like idiots and were buying us drinks. The key is to act as if everything they say is interesting to you, even if it is about cars. We had no intention of going home with them, as they so mistakenly believed. Becky was near the platform where Jeff's band was going to play next. She was talking to Jeff enthusiastically about something. I'm glad she was having fun. I was too. Lily and I would make up unbelievable lies whenever the two guys would ask questions. If anyone's keeping notes, Lily and I are both first year students at NYU, she studies linguistics and communication while I study psychology.

Two beers and three sangrias later, I was dancing sluggishly to Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel". I was twirling and waltzing dizzily, spilling Cosmopolitan all over the carpeted floor. I was feeling extremely relaxed but also tired at the same time. For some odd reason, I was feeling especially sad about my spilled drink. I swayed, reeling, over to the bar.

"Barkeep! Another Cosmo please, and thank you, Good sire!" I shouted over Elvis. I slammed the glass on the counter and the remaining liquid was slashed everywhere.

"You'll be lonely baby." I sang along tardily, " You'll be so lonely."

"Excuse me! You spilled all over me!" Shrieked an awfully loud lady beside me.

I could barely open my eyes let alone focus on the figure in front. I bowed in courtesy and said in an English accent, "My deepest apologies, M'Lady."


I straightened my back up from the bow and saw a blurry but familiar face. "I'm Chase?" I asked myself.

"Are you drunk?"


"She spilled on my Chanel!"

I closed my eyes and opened them again in hopes for a more clearvision. "Oh my God. It's Chucky!"


"Charloo. No wait, Charr- Charr-Charrlooloo." I looked around the bar and the bartender was still not back with my drinks. I turned to Charlie once more, "It's a hard name."

"What are you gonna do about my Chanel?" Screamed that annoying voice again.

"Stephanie, Relax. She's drunk." Dalton said, giggling. He seemed to be just as drunk as I was.

The bartender handed me my drink, finally. I took a big sip and turned to the couple again, "You know. I met a Stepheenie today." I swayed my hands a lot for some reason, "And she was a complete bitch."

"She spilled again!" Shrieked Stephanie.

I slapped my hands on my ears, completely ignorant to the glass in my hand which had now fallen on the carpeted floor. "Well then go away!" I snapped my fingers and said in a demanding voice, "Chucky, move this wet rag away from here."

"Wet rag? I am wearing Chanel!" She screamed.

Chanel, Chanel, Chanel. Enough with it already. My head was pounding. I stole the shot from the guy on my left and took a shot.

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