Chapter 16: New Compromising Light

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Both, Charlie and I, had stood up abruptly from our seats and yelled out in frustration, equally loud. The same way our parents were shocked, so were we. We had surprised ourselves by our sudden outbreak. We were fed up. I looked around the dinner table and saw their reactions. My mother, father, Mr. Dalton, and Mrs.Dalton each had different looks. If I'm being completely frank, this was a bit embarrassing. It was just so silent. And sometimes it can be, the silence was loud. Charlie and I glanced at each other, and then back at the table. We didn't say much more, we were hoping to bounce off what to say next based on their reaction.

"Shut up for one second, for the love of God. You have been talking and talking for hours!" Charlie shouted at his parents, " I don't want to go to Princeton! I don't want to join your crooked finance company that eats on the poor! And I don't want to marry into the stupid Chase family!"

He paused to catch his breath. Charlie's face was a bit red, but there was a hint of his usual smug smirk. He looked at me and smiled, which was a sign that it was now my turn.

"That's right! I don't want to marry him either! And for Christ's sake woman, Let me eat in peace!" I called out to my mother, "What the hell is a dinner if I don't get to eat it!"

"Are you finished, Valerie." My dad said quietly, his face was buried in his plate and he was staring intently at his shoes.

"Nah, I'm just getting warmed up. Sir. You know what's pathetic? Father's that make their children call them 'sir'! Well, sir, I don't want to go to Yale! I don't want to go to Law School, sir! And, this should be funny, I haven't sent out my college applications yet!" I scream the last sentence in joy, laughing hysterically at the upset audience. I raised my glass of seltzer water in cheers.

Charlie raised his glass of sparkling water as well and said, "I haven't sent out my applications either."

We clunked our glasses together, but I didn't drink it, because sparkling water is disgusting. We laughed hysterically for five minutes. After the laughter had died down, the room was completely silent. Neither of our parents said anything, which, I admit, was scaring me a little bit.


"If you will excuse us for one minute." My dad said, setting his handkerchief on the table beside his half-eaten plate of pork chops and mashed potatoes.

"Yes, we'll need a minute as well." Mr.Dalton agreed solemnly.

My mother got up and grabbed me by the shoulder out the kitchen. The grab got tighter once we were out and heading towards an empty living room. The room was covered in an ugly wallpaper that I disapproved of since I was 12, when they decided to put it up. There were black chesterfield linen couches on each side of the round coffee table in the middle. There was a dark grey bergère sofa facing the lit fireplace.

"I would love it much more if Nancy Miller were my child." My dad said as he played with the fire, which was the only source of light in the dark and empty living room.

"At least she's smart with good manners. What did I do to get stuck with a daughter like you."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" I shouted.

"You know when you received your report card in Grade 2, I was doubting that you were my child. Then your attitude started to show when you were gaining on your preteen years, then I was sure that you were no child of mine. No, if you were my child then you wouldn't be behaving like this, and unfortunately no amount of beating would knock some sense into you."

I retreated my steps, as my father walked towards me. The door of the living room was closed, and my mother was standing right in front of it. This was starting to scare me. I had no intention of this ever happening, I didn't even bring my camera because I didn't think he would dare raise a hand on me with guests present. I heard shouting outside the room.

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