Should We tell them

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Today was Thursday and we were sitting in class, I had just finished my test and turn it in, now I am just sitting waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to lunch when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I made sure the teacher was not looking and pull it out.

---Text Messages---

Princess: You look bored love

Korra: I was until I realize you was watching me

Princess: Am I not allow to look at you

Korra: I didnt tell you that

Princess: Good because I thought you belong to me

Korra: I have always belonged to you

Princess: ugh I love you dork

Korra: Love you to

Princess: question

Korra: answer but you go first

Princess: loser but any way when did you want to tell our friends

Korra: Baby whenever you want to, I told you we will take this as slow as you want

Princess: I understand that, but I just want to make sure you want it

Korra: I want everything you want

Princess: what if I want you

Korra: Then you can have me

Princess: I wish I could kiss you

Korra: Then why dont you when we leave class

Princess: promise

Instead of answer I just look over my shoulder and wink at her and just as I did that the bell ring and I got up and grab my bag and head to my locker. I put everything up and was heading to the café when I feel Asami jump on my back.

Korra: whats up princess

Asami: nothing catching a ride to the cafe

Korra: I see

Asami: what happen to my kiss

Korra: well do you want it in front of everyone or a little more private

Asami: private

Korra: well get off my back and lets go to the bathroom

Asami: why do I have to get off

Korra: because it will look weird with you on my back going to the bathroom

Asami: true

With that she got off my back and we head to the bathroom. Once in there I make sure it was clear before I pull her to me and kiss her. Once we pull apart I made sure her lipstick was wipe off before we walk towards the café to meet up with out friends. As we walk I ask Asami what she wanted to do.

Asami: What do you mean

Korra: have you decide if you were going to tell our friends or not

Asami: Im scared to be honest

Korra: why

Asami: Im not sure

Korra: Well baby it ok if you dont want them to know then we will not tell them

Asami: you sure because I dont want you to think I am ashamed of us

Korra: I dont I promise

Asami: thank you

Korra: of course love you

Asami: love you to

We grab our food and head to the table and sat down. We were all catching up when the head cheerleader Ashley walk up.

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