Sleep Over

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We were all sitting at my house chilling, and everyone was getting to know Lee better until my phone rang, so I got up and headed to the next room to answer it.

Korra: Hello

Kya: Hi little one

Korra: Oh, hey Aunt Kya, whats up

Kya: Nothing just wanted to check on you

Korra: Im good what about you

Kya: Im ok but you know how things go any way what are you up to

Korra: Nothing chilling with the gang for a little bet before I send them all home

Kya: Oh ok no sleep over this time

Korra: Have not really though of it plus Lee is here so you know we can only be around each other for so long before we start causing trouble

Kya: This is true anyway please dont burn the house down or trash it

Korra: I want I promise

Kya: Ok, well if you need anything before I come home just call

Korra: Sure thing, love you Auntie

Kya: Love you to

With that I hung up the phone and walk back into the living room. Just as I was about to sit down Lee decide now was the time she want to start with her games.

Lee: Hey Korra

Korra: Nope not with the games

Lee: Man, really you dont even know what I was going to say or want

Korra: Dont care you forgot who you grow up with

Lee: true but this was simple request

Korra: What Lee

Lee: Can we have a sleep over here

Korra: Why would I let yal have a sleep over here

Lee: So I can get to know your friends better and they can get to know me better too

Asami: Korbear

Korra: Yes princess

Asami: You dont want to spend more time with me and our friends

Korra: I love spending time with you and everyone, but the last time be and Lee was around each for more then 4 hours something get broke or we end up in big trouble

Lee: I promise to be on my best behavior

Asami: Plus you have all of us here to help make sure yal stay out of trouble

Korra: ugh I guess

Lee & Asami: (high five) yes

Korra: I see yal set this up

Asami: Never

Korra: Any way I guess everyone is getting ready to leave to go get what you need for the sleep over and see everyone back here in what an hour or so

With that everyone got ready to leave to go to their house. I decided to go with Asami to see here parents. 20 minutes later we pull up to Asami house and walk in. As we walk in Asami mother call to see if that was her.

Asami: Yes mom its me and Korra

Yasuko: Oh, what are yal up to

Korra: Apparently we are have a sleep over at my house

Yasuko: Oh really and who all going to be there

Korra: Everyone, the whole gang, and my good friend Lee

Yasuko: Why dont yal do it here the house is huge, and I dont mind

Korra: You have to ask your daughter

Yasuko: Asami

Asami: yes

Yasuko: Why not just invite everyone here

Asami: To be honest I didnt think about it plus Korra friend is new and we just want her to be comfortable with places she knows right now

Yasuko: Ok that understand able

Asami: Ok well I going to go pack be back

Korra: Yea dont take all day we only have like 30 minutes before everyone is back at my house

Asami: Yea I know

---Time Skip---

Everyone was back at my house minus Lee, so we just start playing music until there was a knock on the door. I want to open the door and there stand Lee with her bag and a smirk on her face. I just shook my head and told her to come in. With that we head to the living room everyone was. As time went by I notice Lee go to her bag and pull out two bottles of alcohol.

Korra: Why Lee, you promise to behave

Lee: I am, I just want to play a few games

Korra: And we need alcohol to do that

Lee: No but it will help everyone open up a little more especially if we play truth or dare and never have I ever

Korra: Oh how I hate you

Lee: Naw you love me that why you keep me around lol

Korra: Whatever lets just get this night over with should we

With that we head back to the living room and start playing games. I didnt drink as much because I wanted to keep an eye on everyone especially Lee. Let just say I had to stop Lee a few time from causing trouble for us. It was almost two in the morning when we all went to bed. As I lay in bed with Asami I was just thinking about everything that had happen in the past few months. I decide to stop thinking so much and go to sleep.

The next day a few of them woke up with a hang over and I just laugh. We just hang around my house until noon where everyone went home minus Asami. We were cuddling on the sofa when Asami sat up and look at me.

Korra: Whats wrong

Asami: Nothing just want to know something

Korra: What

Asami: If you been thinking why you didnt really date other people

Korra: Why date other people when I was in love with you

Asami: So you would have just watch me date and been happy being my best friend

Korra: Yes

Asami: What if in the future I was marry to someone else what would that mean for you

Korra: Nothing I would still be there for you no matter what

Asami: But I would want you to be happy to

Korra: Asami I would have been fine as long as you were happy that all that matter

Asami: wow

Korra: what

Asami: nothing just didnt realize how deep your love for me went

Korra: Will now you know

Asami: Yea

With that we cuddle back up and I kiss her head until it was time to take her home.

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