Chapter 1

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Breathing is an easy, involuntary, non-exerting part of every person’s day. You inhale and exhale, most of the time not even aware of the chemical exchange in your body.

However, breathing is not so easy when you’re in a nerve-wrecking situation. In my case, breathing isn’t easy because I’m about to tell my boyfriend that I’m pregnant.

Sitting across from me is the magnificent Vic Fuentes, in all his glory. He smiles slightly, but I know it’s only to sooth my sparking nerves. The two beings in front of me, one within me, and one across from me are the most critical keys to my future, and if the person in front of me doesn’t approve of the news about to be broken, then we’ve got a problem.

“Kell, what did you want to tell me?” Vic asks softly. My breathing hitches as my body recognizes the fact that this is really happening. I am really pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby, and he is really going to need to know; soon.

“We-well, um, nothing too significant, um- just,” I sigh, knotting my fingers together so tightly that they begin to turn different shades of red and white. “I’m, uh, I’m pregnant.” The second the words exit my mouth, I clench my eyes shut, nearly folding in on myself as a moment of silence washes over the both of us.

“Kellin! Oh my God.” Warmth surrounds my body, and I realize I’m being hugged. Vic has the biggest of grins on his face as he peppers my face in kisses, kneeling down swiftly to press a long kiss on my relatively flat stomach.

“I take it you’re happy?” I wonder, looking at him with confused eyes as he smiles and kisses me on the nose.

“Definitely. Why would I not be? We’ve been together for nearly five years; its time something like this happens.” He says happily.

All Vic wanted to do was cuddle and talk about the baby for the rest of the day, and I was okay with that. He had mentioned some things about going to a doctor and planning some things for the baby, but I had to slow him down, seeing as I’m only about a month and a half pregnant.

“I love you, angel.”

“I love you too, Vic.”



I tried to keep a cool front for Kellin, but I was internally freaking out.

“Jaime, we need to talk. Take a lunch break.” I said to my best friend the next day. We both conveniently worked in the same office, which helped in these situations.

“Okay.” He replied, slowly packing up his things and letting our boss know he was leaving. “What is this all about, man? You look pretty shaken up.”

“That’s because I fucking am.” I admit lowly. I wanted to be good for Kellin, but with the things floating around in my head, I feel as though every strong bone in my body will break.

Jaime and I walk into a small café, not paying much attention to anyone else. We sit in our usual booth, immediately being waited on by Alana, our usual waitress.

“So, what’s going on?” Jaime inquires.

“Kellin. He’s- he’s pregnant.” I stutter out, noticing the gasp Jaime emits.


“Fuck is correct. I have no idea what to do. You know the deal I made at that investigation in high school! This could cause so much damage. Why wasn’t I more careful? How could I let myself do this?” Raking my hands through my hair, I snap my eyes shut, not ready to hear what I know Jaime is going to say.

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