Chapter 12

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After he woke up, Kellin wouldn't stop eating. He was hooked up to a feeding tube, but I don't think he had enough food going through him, seeing as he's got the twins to take care of as well.

"Angel, if you don't slow down, you're going to get sick," I warn, watching him shovel in forkfuls of pasta into his mouth. I've never seen him eat so much, and I would be really concerned if he hadn't just woken up from a coma.

"I'll be fine, Vic," he mutters through a mouthful of food. As gross as it may look, I missed seeing him like this. I missed his attitude, and how he rolled his eyes when I would tell him what to do. I really missed him.

"I really missed your voice, you know," I said quietly, smiling a little to myself as I think about the fact that Kellin is home and safe. I didn't realize just how great this moment would feel.

"Yeah, well I spent a few months in a coma thinking you were dead and that I would have the raise the babies by myself, so I think I beat you on that one," he says, winking and going back to eating. Yep, he's back.


"So, does everything feel alright in there?" Doctor Reid asks at the doctor's appointment a week later. Kellin and I figured it would be a good idea to get things checked out.

"Everything seems fine. I haven't had any pain or bleeding, thankfully, so I guess all is well," Kellin says, rubbing his stomach. He's actually predicted to deliver soon, which excites us all.

"Okay, well I'm going to do an ultrasound, then we will be all set," Doctor read tells us, throwing a smile our way and turning around to the computer. She instructs Kellin to do the usual; pull his shirt up and lay back. He does so eagerly, watching as the doctor spreads the gel on his stomach and runs the transducer over his skin a few times.

"Ah, here we are," She exclaims, pointing to our babies on the screen. They both look about the same as far as their height and body type. "They look perfectly healthy."

"Thank God," Kellin whispers, closing his eyes and breathing in through his mouth. I, too, am relieved, seeing as there were endless chances for things to go wrong while Kellin was in a coma.

"If you'll come back in a week, I will have everything set up for you. I think it would be better to induce labor in your situation, if you're okay with that. It's just safer for you since you're not really used to being in physical pain due to your coma. It would be better for you to be here, so we can monitor you and provide medication as needed. Anyway, I have nothing else for you, really," Doctor Reid concludes, handing us a few pictures of the babies and bidding us farewell.

"I'm glad things are finally working out. I don't want to speak too soon, but I think our family will be fine. Now that we've gotten through all of this, I don't think anything can destroy us," Kellin says, leaning his head on my shoulder as well walk hand-in-hand to the car.

"I agree. I'm so ready for out little babies to be here. Even through all of this, I'm still so happy they're on their way," I admit, wrapping my arms around Kellin and kissing his forehead before helping him into the car.

On the way back, he hums simple songs, staring out the window and tapping his fingers along his stomach. God, he is so angelic.


Later that night, Kellin and I were just lying next to each other on the couch, watching Say Yes to the Dress, when I got an idea.

"Hey, Kell?" I ask nervously, trying to get his attention.

"Yeah, babe?" He turns his head, crooking it to the side a bit and smiling gently.

"Uh, well, I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about what we're going to do in the future. Like, after the twins are born and stuff," I suggested with a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Now's a better time than any," he laughs, placing a small hand on my thigh and rubbing lightly.

"Okay, well I was just wondering what you plan on doing. Like, obviously we are going to be together, but do you want to move?" I ask, pausing to look at Kellin, who has a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I don't know, Vic. We will be taking care of two babies, so I'm not sure if we should leave. Maybe let them grow up a little before we leave," he says, his eyes twinkling with happiness. I know talking about the babies and our life ahead of us makes him happy.

"Yeah, I think you should marry me, if we're going to have a family like this," I blurt out, suddenly extremely nervous for his response.

"Vic," my angel gasps, his hands flying up to his mouth as tears brim his eyes.

"I just...I think it makes sense, you know? I really love you a lot, and you love me too, at least I hope, and- it just makes sense for us to be together officially. I just, I just really have been wanting to do this, but I never got the chance, and seeing you in a coma and not knowing if I would ever be able to talk to you again, I made a promise to myself that I would marry you if you woke up. You know I'm not one to break promises, and when I say I love you, that's a promise," I blabber on, looking down at my hands as I think of what to do next. I realize that I should probably give him the ring I've been hiding, so I climb of the couch, walking into our bedroom and grabbing his ring box out of the sock drawer.

Walking back into the living room, I see Kellin sitting there, completely stunned and crying.

"Baby, I love you more than anything, I promise. Will you marry me?" I ask, taking my place on one knee and looking up to him.

"Yes...I- yes," he whispers out, reaching forward and taking my hands in his. "I love you so much." Grabbing my face in his, Kellin smashes our lips together, kissing me with so much love that I feel a blanket of warmth surrounding us.

"I love you too, baby." I take his hand, sliding the ring into its place on his finger. It's a simple band, but it resembles a promise I know I will never break.


Im so ready to start my new fic stg

Thanks for 25k reads on positive

Btw I posted my new story its just the intro but yea

I love you all

Until tomorrow x

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