Chapter 5

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2 months later.

I watch every day as Kellin slowly slipped away from me. He would get so upset over everything, and was beginning to become completely dejected and I was worried, but he wouldn’t let me get close enough to help him. I knew this was a side effect of the things that happened to him earlier on and I felt completely helpless. It was almost as if he was blocked off in a room and there was a glass wall between us. I could see and hear him fine, but I still couldn’t get to him no matter what I tried.

Kellin is steadily destroying himself and putting our baby at risk, and it’s like he doesn’t even care.

Aside from all of the sad things, Kellin is a little more than four months pregnant, which thrills me. I try to be as protective as possible, seeing as Kellin doesn’t care much about his own well-being, which has worked so far. I’m thinking of bringing Kellin to talk to someone, though, because I hate seeing him like this, and I can’t take the physical strain.

“Kellin, please eat something,” I beg. “You’re hurting the baby and I don’t even know if you care, but I would appreciate it if you would put some more effort into your health. I will have you talk to someone if you keep this up,” I warn.

Kellin doesn’t even acknowledge that I’m there. Instead, he rocks back and forth slowly, the same way he has been before. All he does all day is sit in the makeshift baby room we have, and rock in the rocking chair facing the window. His expressions never change, and he never speaks. I feel like admitting him back into the hospital would be the better option, but I don’t want to do something like that to him, and I also don’t know the risks.

He doesn’t so much as look out of the corner of his eye for the ten minutes I stand next to him, plate in hand, so I sigh, setting the plate on the ground and kissing his head.

The room nearly suffocates me, and by the time I’m in the hallway, tears are making their way down my cheeks, so I call Mike, thinking that would be the best thing for me right now.

“Hey, bro. How’s it going?” He asks in a happy tone. I wish I could be that happy right now.

“Horrible. Absolutely, one-hundred-percent horrible,” I mutter out. My voice wavers slightly, and I’m sure Mike can tell, but he doesn’t mention it.

“Really? Why? I thought he was getting better,” Mike sounds concerned, but it doesn’t match my level of worry.

“He’s terrible. He won’t eat, he barely sleeps, and he doesn’t talk to me. All he does is sit in the baby’s room and rock. I feel completely hopeless,” I have to pull the phone away from my face in order to hide the sobs I wish I didn’t have to release.

“Did you talk to Jaime? He may know some things.”

“No, I don’t even think Jaime could do anything. He hasn’t had to go through something like this,” I sigh, thinking that maybe it would be an okay idea to ask Jaime. I mean, the least he can say is that he doesn’t know, right?

“Never mind, Mike. I think I’m going to talk to him,” Mike hums on the other end, telling me that this is probably the best decision for my current predicament. “Bye.” We both hang up, and I rush up to Kellin, wanting to make sure he’s okay. It’s not unusual for there to be nothing but silence in the house, but I still worry.

And with good reason.

The sight on the other side of the door shocks me to the core, and I don’t even know how to react. I just stand there, completely stunned.

Kellin is sitting there, looking as normal as he can. The thing that catches me off guard, though, is the man standing behind him. My angel hasn’t noticed him, or at least I don’t think he has.

The man behind Kellin is standing as still as can be, wearing a black trench coat, with hair that is obviously thin and gray. Neither of them notice me, and I wonder why.

“What the fuck?” I whisper to myself. This one sentence catches the man’s attention, and he looks back at me with smooth black eyes. What the fuck?

Before I can even catch up to what is happening, the man lunges himself at me, black eyes glossing over and hands extending outwards. All of the air leaves my lungs, and it feels like ten pound led weights have been attached to my ankles.

“Stop,” Kellin’s fragile voice sounds from behind the charging man, and immediately he comes to a halt. What the fuck?

The man turns around, his eyes fluttering into the back of his head. Just before I think he’s about to disappear, or something, he releases and ear-piercing shriek, folding himself backwards until his hands are near his feet on the ground. The position looks so uncomfortable that I’m faced with an almost permanent cringe.

Stop.” Kellin says, more forceful this time. The man lets out a strange whimper, almost that of a dog, and disintegrates into the floor, completely away from my vision.

I look up after getting over the initial shock of the situation to see Kellin standing there with his arms wrapped around his stomach and a pained expression masking his face. Tears well up in his eyes, and the sight breaks my heart.

“Angel, what’s wrong?” I wonder. He looks up to me with the most confused eyes, searching for some sort of understanding for what just happened, and why he is where he is.

“W-what’s going on? Why am I in here?” He ponders shyly.

“Oh, angel,” I whisper, immediately walking over to him and gathering him into my arms.

Kellin cries into my shoulder for the longest time, choking out unintelligible words.

After what seems like hours, he finally calms down in the slightest, his cries quieting from sobs to sniffles.

“What has been going on with me these past few weeks? I don’t even remember anything,” he explains, trailing off towards the end as if he’s trying to think of where his mind has been.

“Baby, I honestly couldn’t tell you. You’ve been so out of it- only barely eating and sleeping. You wouldn’t talk to me at all, and I was worried sick. I’m glad you’ve snapped out of it, though. I almost wanted to call someone to come talk to you,” I admit, feeling bad for having those thoughts once I confess them.

“I’m so sorry you had to deal with me, Vic. I wish I could take all of that back,” he tells me, burying his face into my neck and crying a little more.

“Hey, hey it’s okay. You’re alright now, and that’s all that matters,” I kiss his lips, savoring the feeling I’ve been deprived of.

Just as things are getting back to normal, someone slams the front door open, screaming throughout the house.

“Kellin, Vic, we need to talk!” I quickly recognize the voice as Jaime, and freeze up.



Im sorry I haven’t been updating as frequently. I had this partially written yesterday and I was trying to get it to you all but I was breaking out in cold sweats and my head hurt so bad I couldn’t even read what I was typing. I hope this is okay, considering I still have a mild headache

Ive decided that I want to make this story shorter than most seeing as the plans I have don’t allow for a lot of chapters. There will probably be at most 12-15.

I already have like three other fics planned that will be much more interesting

I love you all

Until tomorrow x 

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