Chapter 7

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“Maybe we could call Eileen? She would be able to help, probably,” Jaime suggests, rushing around to gather a few things.

Today is the day of the cleansing; the day a lot of things change for our family. The cleansing can be dangerous, so I have to rest up as much as possible. Seeing as I am the main target, Vic and Jaime are focusing the cleansing on me.

“You told him about how this isn’t a normal cleansing, right?” Jaime questions.

“Yeah,” Vic mutters. He’s been pretty down since he and Jaime discussed the cleansing, and I know it’s going to be pretty brutal, but I don’t understand why he is this upset. Instead of questioning it, though, I just put on a brave face and watch as the boys finish up.

“Call Eileen. If anything goes wrong, we need her here,” Vic says, looking at Jaime. He shakes his head, reaching for his phone and dialing the number.

“Eileen, yeah, are you busy? If not, then we need you at Vic’s house. Cleansing. Now.” He says over the phone, a dead serious tone to his voice.

After about ten minutes, Vic comes over and sits next to me, running his hand underneath my shirt and rubbing my stomach.

“I want you to know that once we start this, we can’t stop unless we want to make things worse. Because of this, I want you to think about this for a little bit. Just think about your well-being until Eileen gets here, okay? I love you, my three angels,” Vic says softly, smiling and rubbing his hand in a circle over my enlarged stomach towards the end of his statement.

“We love you to, and I promise I know what I’m getting into,” I nestle my face into his neck, breathing in his scent, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Hey, I’m Eileen. Shall we begin?” Okay then.


“Kellin, please lay on the bed. Your arms and legs are going to be restrained for the purpose of restraining convulsions. Also, during this time anything can happen, so it’s just better for everyone if you’re restrained,” Eileen explains, securing the restraints around my wrists and ankles. “We’re going to start now. Are you sure you want to do this?” Eileen asks.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” She shakes her head, and with that, Vic and Jaime light smudge sticks, and we begin the ritual.

“I cleanse this room of any impurities, negativity, or anything that does not suit or support the people that live here.” The three of them repeat the phrase a few times and nothing happens, but after the fifth time, things take a turn.

“I cleanse this room-“ Before anyone can complete the statement, a loud bang surrounds through the house, like someone smashed all of the keys on a piano at once.

I whip my head to the side, facing the door to see it swaying on its hinges. Vic and Jaime stand at the end of the bed with fear in their eyes, but strong expressions on their faces.

“Don’t stop,” says Eileen.

“I cleanse this room of any impurities, negativity, or anything that does not suit or support the people that live here!” They shout at once. A tingling sensation rises up in my body, starting from my toes and making its way through every inch of skin.

“Ah!” I scream, feeling lines of fire rip down my thighs. Vic looks up anxiously, but I motion for him to continue.

After another minute of the chanting, loud crashing sounds erupt from the kitchen, but no-one dares to investigate. The clattering of glass and iron rings through my ear drums, threatening to deafen me as it draws louder without ceasing.

“Get it out, Get it out!” I scream, the pitch of the crash only growing higher.

Vic, frantic and trembling, runs to my side, grasping my restrained hand.

“Angel, things with be okay once this is over. You just have to fight. Please, fight,” He rushes. I nod, perspiration seeping from every pore as I try to find a way to weather the storm.

“Jaime, you have to go into the kitchen and get him a glass of water. He will overheat, and when he does, we won’t be able to finish the cleansing. I will only ask you once,” Eileen orders, sending a terrified Jaime out of the room.

For a second, things are fine. I’m lying there, listening to the constant roar of Eileen’s voice. That is until my eyes roll back into my head, and my midsection lifts off of the bed, seemingly dragged up by a string.

“Kellin!” Vic yells, rushing past Eileen to pull me back down on the bed.

“Vic, don’t you dare touch him! You don’t know what you’ll encounter if you touch him while he’s in,” she yells aggressively.

Vic looks conflicted, but eventually stands down, knowing that it’s better to leave me be.

“I go the wat- what the fuck?” Jaime says when he enters the room. Footsteps clomp through my head after hearing Jaime’s enter the room, and all I can think about is getting out of this hell.

“I think we’re losing him. We have to hurry!” Eileen shouts, stepping into action and placing a smudge stick directly over my body.

“In the name of all that is holy I demand you to leave this vessel!” The second the angry words leave her mouth, all of the lights turn off, and I’m thrown back onto the bed.

Things are okay for a bit, but I begin to feel lightheaded, and before I can say anything, everything goes black, and I’m sent into a restless sleep.


This is so short sorry I just got done with exams so im a little tired.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Also, are any of you against student teacher/age gap fics? I mean, one of them will be 18 and the other about 24-25, but if you wouldn’t like that, then let me know. If enough people don’t want me to do it, then I wont. I have a zillion other ideas anyway, so we will probably end up taking a vote on which story you guy so would want the most.

Anyway, thank you so much

Love you all

Until tomorrow (actually probably not tomorrow bc im going out anywAY  x

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