Wrecker X Hunter

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Spicy / Wrecker hides a hot pepper in Hunter's food.

It is dinner time.

The food? Burritos.

Why? Wrecker thought of it.

"Why are you smiling like that, Wrecker?" Tech raises an eyebrow, adjusting his goggles as Wrecker chuckles before letting Tech know of his plan.

"Eh, I wanted to get Hunter back. I thought this would be the way." Wrecker whispers as Crosshair files into the room.

"Oh great." Crosshair could tell Wrecker was up to something and proceeds to take a seat, "Go on, what are you planning?" Crosshair folds his arms.

"I'm pranking Hunter." Wrecker proudly states as Crosshair nods slowly. "This should be fun."

"What should be fun?" Hunter questions, entering the room, "Oh just talking about the next mission." Wrecker laughs as the group turns to Hunter.

"Right." Hunter furrows his eyebrows as he takes a seat to join them for dinner.

As one by one goes into eat, Tech turns to Wrecker, "You sure your idea is going to work?"

"What idea?" Hunter pitches in, taking a bite of the burrito. "Oh it's something I thought of-" Wrecker began scratching the back of his head.

"Oh." Hunter huffs feeling a kick in the back of his throat. The spice grows more and more. "This is spicy, is yours spicy?" Hunter keeps huffing and puffing as Wrecker starts to laugh. Tech smiles impressed by the prank as Crosshair shakes his head.

"Why are you laughing?" Hunter coughs looking around for something to drain the spicy taste.

"Oh nothing." Wrecker continues to laugh as Crosshair begins to chuckle. Hunter gets up and runs off to get milk. "Good one, Wrecker." Crosshair smiles.


Soon Hunter comes back with a bit of relief to finally put thought to his words.

"You did this didn't you?" Hunter glances at Wrecker seeing the mischievous smile. "Yep!" Wrecker laughs loudly.

"You got me good big guy.. you got me good." Hunter laughs in defeat.

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