Grogu X Din Djarin

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Leaving / Grogu feels terrible leaving his friend Din Djarin behind to go train with Luke Skywalker / Request

It was at that very moment. It struck him. Grogu, leaving with a jedi. All Din ever wanted led them to this point.

Tears grow ever so slightly as he watches his little friend leave with Luke Skywalker.

As they enter the corridor, Grogu looks around at the ground, highly advanced droids lay unassembled, parts everywhere.

He then glances at Luke's Lightsaber for a moment, after noticing the slash marks on the droids.

"I can sense you're uneasy, Grogu." Luke pushes a droid out of the way on the ground. Grogu coos sadly. "Don't worry, you'll see your friend again, I promise." Luke smiles reassuringly as they continue their way to the starfighter.

Grogu can sort of sense Din in a state of sadness, tears in his eyes, crying. The others around him trying to comfort the Mandalorian himself.

Grogu lets out a small cry as they reach the starfighter. Luke turns to the blast door with Grogu, taking a glance.

"Its okay, my friend. Everything will be fine." Luke reassures the youngling as Grogu extends his arm out to Luke's face.

The curious of Luke allows the little one to do so, Grogu soon felt his strength, the power. He knew what he needed to do, to protect the ones he cares about, to learn the ways of the force so he can help Din Djarin, to be by his side again. Even if it meant it would be a last time.

Soon the two are off to space leaving behind what Grogu held on so dearly, to learn.

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