Chapter twenty-one

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It was a little awkward having Chris in your apartment. Not in your usual butterfly inducing

excited kind of way, though. More like where the hell did all these eggshells you were walking on

come from? Both of you. Seriously. Neither of you seemed completely comfortable occupying the

same space. Chris seemed to fidget with his hair or drum his fingers more than usual. You...well,

you were excruciatingly aware of the length of any silences and your own compulsion to twist the

ring on your hand for your own fidgety distraction.

Chris had noticed the bouquet of roses on the table when he came in, and you thought you saw him

peep the card and smile with a soft snort while you unleashed Archie, but he didn't say anything

about it. You phoned in your dinner order and sat with him on the couch, channel surfing with little

said between you. It was a relief when the delivery guy knocked on the door and gave you

something to do besides sitting slightly stiffly on the couch debating together what movie to watch.

Chris held back Archie by the couch while you paid the man and followed you into the kitchen

when the delivery guy was gone.

You moved around, pulling plates and glasses from the cupboards. Unpacking the boxes of food,

you told Chris to help himself to a drink and he asked what he could get you. You shrugged,

peeking into box tops to find your order. There seemed to be a pause behind you before the fridge

door shut and Chris reached from behind you to put a bottle of water on the counter for you. He

slipped his arm around your waist and rested his chin to watch over your shoulder while you

unstacked one plate from another and reached into a drawer for utensils.

"Something wrong?" he asked, not sounding especially confident that he wanted to know, but

asking nonetheless.

You turned your head to see him as best you could, flashing a quick smile. "No."

Chris smiled back and let you go when you held up a plate for him to spoon his dinner onto. "Okay

then," he shrugged and there was a pause for a moment while he arranged his dinner. He cleared

his throat quietly and moved out of your way. "So, back to business. What kind of movie do you

wanna watch? Action, comedy, drama? ...Dramedy?"

He quirked an eye brow up to match the challenging curiosity in his tone of the last choice and it

made you smile. "Nothing fluffy," you decided. "Action, drama. Something like that."

"Nothing fluffy," he mused, grabbing a spring roll from its wax paper bag. "Let's see what ya got."

Chris disappeared into the living room with his dinner. He made some crack about the Marvel

movies you had in your DVD collection, but you didn't quite catch it and let it go. You gathered

your food and the bottle of water set out for you. Going back into the living room, Chris was

scanning over your movie collection. His eyes lit up.

"I can't believe this is on your shelf," he smiled, tipping a DVD out and looking it over.

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