Chapter thirty-nine

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The gentle rise in Chris' shoulder woke you. Blinking the tired dryness out of your eyes, you looked around and over the back of your seat. Flight attendants and other passengers were settling in to land in Singapore. Chris smiled at you, asking if you had a good nap. You nodded, turning off your iPod and wrapping your earbuds around your music player. Reaching down to the floor for your purse, you tucked away your music and peaked out the window. You were still in the clouds, but every few seconds they thinned and you could see brief glimpses of land below. With seatbelts fastened, you watched out the window as the plane descended to the airport.

The captain taxied the plane to the gate, with an announcement of local weather and time info and thanked you for flying with them. As soon as the brakes went on at the jetway, people were on their feet, jockeying for space to reach their carryon in the overhead compartments and impatiently lining up to deplane. You rested a knee into your seat cushion, waiting for your turn, as Chris stood with one foot in the aisle to mark your places in line. He looked ahead through the cabin, hands stuffed in his pockets and back pack slung over his shoulder, seeming a little eager to get off the plane.

The door at the front of the plane opened and the flight attendants lined up to give you and the other passengers their fond farewells. Chris ushered you into the aisle to walk ahead of him. You smiled politely and thanked the flight crew on your way out. Stepping over the thin gap between the fuselage of the plane and the gangway, you exaggeratedly gagged at the humidity that smacked you in the face.

Turning over your shoulder to pant your tongue out at Chris, you quipped, "Can we get back on the plane?"

"Oh, my god," he complained, his face pinched unhappily. "It's like walking in soup."

"So glad I left LA for this," you teased, beginning to feel a little relief from the thick weather the further you got down the boarding bridge into the airport terminal.

"You and me both," he griped. "Jesus Christ."

The two of you stepped aside into the seating area outside of the gate, waiting for Josh, who was just a couple rows behind you. Chris waved up a hand to signal his assistant and, reunited, you all headed to the baggage claim area. With luggage in tow, you made your way out of the airport. Waiting for you at the curb, with a private car and driver, was Megan. She flagged your trio over and the driver set to work on taking everyone's luggage off their hands and stowing it in the rear of a newer model SUV. You climbed in with the others and were off to the hotel. On the way, Megan mentioned the press screening was almost over and the team from Marvel expected to hear first reviews soon. The film was raved about in Beijing. There really wasn't anything less to be expected in Singapore, but there was still an excitement to waiting to hear for sure.

At the hotel, Megan gave Chris the key cards for your room. She had arrived earlier that afternoon and took care of checking you both in. In the elevator, Chris checked his phone, while Megan rattled off a couple notes about the next day's events and mentioned the rest of Team Cap was already settling in and was going to have dinner at 8:30 downstairs in one of the hotel restaurants. If you wanted to join them, she could add a couple seats to the reservation.

Eyes fixed on you as he spoke, Chris told her, "It's been a long day. I think we might do dinner on our own. If we go down, we'll chance it on squeezing in with them."

You didn't argue, feeling a little travel weary now that you were standing still. When the elevator opened to let you off on your floor, Josh and Megan said their goodbyes. You and Chris headed down the hall and around the corner to find your room number. Chris unlocked the door, taking a minute to make sure both keys worked. When the lock clicked open the second time, he handed you one of the cards as he elbowed the door open. Chris held the door for you, shutting and locking it when you were inside.

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