Chapter thirty-one

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The days with Chris flew by faster than you expected. It was kinda funny to you to be used to Josh

coming and going. He stopped by almost every morning that week. Always with a pile of mail,

some dry cleaning, or something else for Chris. He was predictable too; usually around 8, but

never later than 9 if he had something to pick up first, usually with a Starbucks for Chris. On

Friday he brought you a venti iced caramel macchiato. You felt more than a little awkward about

the tiny gesture and thanked him profusely to compensate. After all, he's Chris' assistant and not

yours. When Josh wasn't paying attention, you gave Chris a kiss on the cheek for obviously telling

Josh about one of your favorite treats from the coffee shop.

Josh would stay for however long he needed to for business. You and Archie would hang out in the

living room, while the men talked shop in the kitchen or his office, before Chris disappeared to the

gym for an hour or so, longer if he picked up your mail. Occasionally, you'd hear a snippet of the

schedule Chris had coming up. Between magazine photo shoots and interviews, promo filming,

show appearances, and all kinds of other media items, you tried to mentally prepare yourself for

less Chris in your future. With multiple events in the same day and travel for television

appearances, you figured this week was the most you'd see of each other for awhile.

And that was okay. You'd been enjoying 24/7 Chris for about a week and a half. That should be

enough to hold you over. You'll catch up again on the international press tour and then things

should settle down after that. You knew this was coming. You can do this.

Saturday afternoon, Scott came over and you tolerated watching the Celtics game with them that

night. You don't necessarily have anything against the NBA, or basketball in general, for that

matter, but damn. When Boston falls by 17, after trailing in points for 3 out of 4 quarters, expect

some manly heartache and more than a few disappointed outbursts about fouls and other "bullshit".

Mental note: saying 'What do you expect? They're playing the Cavs.' will not make their hurt go


By Monday morning, you were itching to get to the doctor's office to have your stitches removed.

Okay, it was a little weird to be that excited, but haven't you suffered enough? Seriously, no ocean,

no baths, no swimming- which is especially disappointing when you're sitting there, staring at that

gorgeous pool in Chris' backyard every god damned day. And all the sitting on your ass was

enough to make you crazy. No work, no gym with Frank, no jogs with Archie, no beach.

This time, Chris drove you to your appointment. A feat you didn't let him be too proud of. After all,

the appointment was at 11 o'clock. He had no excuse to not be able to make that one. It's not like

there was some nationally broadcast, Hollywood hullabaloo to get all fancied up for and party

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