Chapter 4

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Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment or vote. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily, this story will change a little.

Ricky xx


"Wow!" The redhead mumbled, her eyes still tightly screwed shut. I smirked as I straightened her skirt back to its original place.

"I'll see you." A sloppy, uninterested kiss was placed to the side of her mouth and I turned my back to walk away.

"W-wait, what? Where are you going?" Her expression inquiring, my wrist caught in her hand. She was nothing but a toy to me, something I could use and keep myself busy with while I had to be stuck here during the day. I tugged my wrist from her frail grip, walking towards the car where the boys would be waiting for me.

A loud male voice boomed through the parking lot and caught my attention as I made way around the corner. His voice was loud, overbearing and attention seeking. A guy that wanted to prove his control, usually those that would beat woman, men that I would have no trouble in taking out, destroying them and tearing them apart limb for limb.

I saw him in front of his car shouting at her, his arm tightly around her wrist, moving forward. My heart started to hammer against my chest, my pulse going into a crazy frenzy. My feet started to move over to them subconsciously, they moved on their own accord to save the girl I barely knew. My fists clenching at my side, the closer he moved to her.

"Haz, Harry what are you doing?" Louis' voice urgent and wanting to know, he knew all too well what the look meant that now creased my features.

I reached the group around them, my knuckles whitening as my fists clenched closed even tighter. He loved the attention he was getting from this crowd, he thrived off of it. He couldn't stand up to me so he had to go and attack a defenceless girl.

The back of his right hand collided with her face; she let out a shriek as she plummeted to the ground. Her hand instinctively rubbed her cheek, the tears started to spill from her eyes and the anger singed through my veins. He moved towards her, towering over her frame, lifting his hand he readied himself for another blow.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her again." My voice was stern and burned with anger, I moved forward to him.

"Stay out of this." His voice was trying to mimic my tone but failing miserably. I let out a malicious chuckle, his face portraying a sense of fear. She stared up at me, her cheek a bright shade of crimson, and her eyes pleading, begging for help but no one seemed to care enough to help her.

"You didn't have the fucking balls to stand up to me this morning, so you pussy out and hit a girl? You're a coward fighting someone that you know won't be able to fight back." I moved closer to him as the anger started to build up like a brick wall that was threatening to collapse any second. He moved back. I tried to provoke him, make him want to hit me.

"Fight me dammit." I shrieked at him, every fibre of my being filling with fire.

He moved towards me, his fist travelling in the air as I blocked him. My chuckle getting even darker and malicious with every shot he missed. I made it easier for him not even trying to block his jabs.

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