Chapter 11

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Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx

*GRAPHIC SCENE – if you don't like it, I warned you*


"There you go." She whispered as she finished cleaning the cuts on my face, her eyes were still bloodshot from crying a few minutes ago. I felt sorry for her, she was scared, and she was terrified that something was going to happen to Micah. My heart shattered when the tears rolled down her cheeks. I never noticed until now, the beauty that she was. The way she scrunched up her nose when she was focusing, the way her delicate hands ran over my cheeks gently, the way her long brown hair draped over her shoulder, the ability her warm hazel eyes had to look through you, to make you forget about all your worries and fears. She made me feel like someone cared, that I wasn't just a piece of meat the girls liked to use. She was incandescently and irresistibly beautiful.

"What?" her angelic giggle snapped me back to reality and the realization that I was openly staring at her.

"I just never realised how beautiful you are." I whispered, moving a strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks went a deep shade of crimson, as she packed everything in its original place. She muttered a thanks, while she leaned against the counter top.

"You're sort of beautiful too you know?" she cheekily retaliated, causing a loud chuckle to escape my mouth. She made me feel warm inside something I've never had with a girl before, something I never wanted.

"So have you met the boys?" I questioned, eager to let her meet them, excited for her to meet the boys that I considered my family.

"Well technically I only met Zayn." She cocked her eyebrows, the amusement covered her face.

"What do you mean technically?" I questioned, pretty curious as to what she meant.

"Well when we were running to get to you he sort of saw me falling behind. I mean look at my legs they're so short." She gestured over to her beautifully toned and tanned legs, causing that beautiful little giggle to make an appearance yet again.

"So he made me get on his back and he carried me to the parking lot." Her eyes caught mine, something in those beautiful eyes made me feel warm inside. I took her down and lead her to meet the boys.


Being in their company tonight was exactly what I needed. For once I didn't wish the time away, wish that I could just be in the safe sanctuary of my own home. I walked to the door; Harry still parked in front to make sure I had made it home safe. As soon as I made my way safely through the doors I heard his big range rover drive away. He made me smile and laugh and just feel shy at some times. This wasn't the overpowering boy I only met a few days ago. I liked this side of him, the gentle, sweet and caring side. The sudden vibration in my pocket took my thoughts away from the curly haired boy that seemed to make me smile more than once today. I expected to see his name appear on my screen, I felt a little disappointed as Luka's name popped up.

"Hey Lukes." I said half heartedly, making my way up to my room.
"Wow sound a little more enthusiastic when your best friend calls dumbass." Her playful demeanour always made me smile no matter what my mood was.
"Sorry been a little distracted today." The image of his beautiful green pools flashed in my mind, causing a small smile to tug on the corners of my mouth.
"Yeah Kalem told me what had happened. Anyway so your favourite best friend in the world took it upon herself to throw a little get together so we could just have fun." The smile soon disappeared, none of Luka's 'little' get 'together's were all that small. She liked to go big and even that was an understatement.
"Luka I'm not..." I trailed off.
"Don't you even dare start. You will be here in 30 minutes and that is the end of it. Goodbye." The line disconnected, leaving me staring at the phone in utter disbelieve.

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