Chapter 43

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Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx

"I'm wide awake. Yeah, I was in the dark, I was falling hard with an open heart. I'm wide awake. How did I read the stars so wrong? I'm wide awake and now it's clear to me that everything you see ain't always what it seems. I'm wide awake yeah, I was dreaming for so long. I wish I knew then what I know now. Wouldn't dive in, wouldn't bow down. Gravity hurts you made it so sweet, till I woke up on, on the concrete. Falling from cloud 9, crashing from the high. I'm letting go tonight. Yeah I'm falling from cloud 9; I'm wide awake not losing any sleep. I picked up every piece and landed on my feet. I'm wide awake, need nothing to complete myself - I'm wide awake yeah, I am born again, Outta the lion's den, I don't have to pretend and it's too late. The story's over now, the end. I wish I knew then what I know now. Wouldn't dive in, wouldn't bow down. Gravity hurts you made it so sweet, till I woke up on, on the concrete. Falling from cloud 9, crashing from the high. I'm letting go tonight. Yeah I'm falling from cloud 9; I'm wide awake not losing any sleep. I picked up every piece and landed on my feet. I'm wide awake, need nothing to complete myself - I'm wide awake yeah..."


I stood in the living room after finally getting Avery to fall asleep again, the eyes of the boys, Harry and Uncle John scrutinizing every part of me. Their lingering eyes told me that they doubted in what I saw with my own two eyes, that I was merely imagining things.

"Are you dead sure you saw someone by the window?" Uncle John questioned, I felt winded as if the air was hit right out of my lungs, and how could they not believe me? I took in a deep breath, trying to get rid of the lump that was threatening to rise in my throat.

"Are you trying to say that I made it all up, that it was just all in my mind?" I questioned, tears starting to brim my eyes.

"No, no that's not what we're trying to say at all." Niall placed his hand on my shoulder, but I knew that they didn't believe me.

"Harry, you saw something too, tell them." I urged him to speak but he stood silent in the corner.

"Harry?" I called his name; he shook his head and let out a breathy sigh.

"I saw the bushes move, but that could have just been the wind." He whispered half heartedly as he looked down to the ground.

"I'm not crazy, I saw someone outside, and I can't just imagine that." I argued, I knew what I saw, I knew there was someone. I just wanted them to believe me.

"We're not saying you're crazy at all it's just that you've been through a lot and that maybe you're a little bit..." Harry trailed off as he walked towards me, I felt like I was all alone surrounded by a sea of people yet no one knew what I was feeling or even believed me.

"A little bit what?"

"A little bit paranoid, maybe you just saw the wind." My mouth fell agape as Louis finished Harry's sentence. All eyes were plastered, waiting patiently for me to say something anything. I stood up from where I was sitting on the couch, walking towards the stairs that lead to our bedroom. Harry grabbed my wrist, turning me around to face him.

"Don't do this, Skye." He whispered as he pulled me closer to him, I placed my hand against his chest distancing us even more.

"Do what?" Annoyance was laced in my tone, tears brimmed my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks.

"Run away, like you always do. You're acting crazy." His words stung, just then my tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe that he would say something like that to me. I was not only hurt but also angry. I lifted my hand that was hanging limply by my side, connecting it to the side of his face as he automatically dropped my wrist that was in his hold. His hand moved to the reddened and burning cheek, he stared at me, eyes wide not expecting me to do that at all. I turned on my heels and walked towards the bedroom, ignoring the voices that were calling me.


"That was cold mate." Niall whispered, I stood motionless, my mind not being able to comprehend what had just happened. I made my way towards the foot of the stairs, but before I could lift my foot to walk further I felt a strong hand tugging me further into the living room.

"Let go Zayn." I spoke through clenched teeth, trying to get his hold off my arm so that I could talk to her.

"You're not going to talk to her; you hurt her by what you said. That was uncalled for, mate and maybe she did see something, and you didn't need to call her crazy, she's been through more than a normal nineteen year old girl should endure." I furrowed my eyebrows as he spoke.

"I didn't call her crazy..." I trailed off going through the words I had just said to her a few minutes ago, I remembered, now I know why she reacted that way. I moved towards the living room, I fell onto the couch, placing my head in my hands as I let out a sigh.

"I did call her crazy, fuck. I didn't mean it though; I promise I didn't mean it..." I trailed off as I felt that familiar lump in my throat rise.

"Even if you meant it..."

"I didn't mean it!" I interrupted Uncle John as he sat down next to me, my voice slightly escalating in tone.

"I'm saying even if you meant it or didn't, you said it and the state that she is in now just caused her to push you away a little. It was wrong and I know that you know that, but still, maybe you should plan out your sentences a little more carefully." He sighed as he rubbed my back to sooth the sobs that I didn't even know were emanating the room.

"What do I do now?" I questioned, staring at the saddened eyes that were watching my every movement.

"Let her cool down" Liam whispered, every sense of me was telling me to go and talk to her but I knew she would just shut me out and I would anger her even more.


*the next morning*

The bright sunlight burned my eyes as it filled the room; I pulled the covers over my head, trying desperately to fall back into my peaceful slumber. I stretched my arm out in search of the person I wanted to cuddle up to, feeling his body heat, allowing me to fall back into my abyss of unconsciousness. The bed was cold, empty and made up where he had laid last night. I groaned as I lifted the covers from my face. I searched the bedside table for my phone, hoping that he had left a text.


Morning beautiful, sorry about last night and that I wasn't there to wake up with you. I'm giving you the day off. I took Avery to spend some time with Uncle John. I'll call you later. I love you forever and always angel.


I smiled as I read the text, I knew he loved me, I knew he cared about me and that I was just overreacting. I got out of bed, the cold air hitting the exposed skin, goosebumps emitting on my dark skin.

As I walked downstairs I felt the uneasy and eerie feeling creeping up my spine, like someone had been in the house and was watching my every move. I shook it off, maybe the boys were right, and maybe I was just being paranoid after everything that had happened to me.

I walked into the kitchen, the cold tiled floor made me shiver as I walked on it with my bare feet. I saw a note and a pen placed on the counter neatly, I smiled the thought of how loving Harry could be made me feel all warm inside, making the uneasy feeling disappear completely.

Dear beautiful little Skye

It pains me to see how they don't believe you

Seems like they have no clue

It was me outside that window

That beautiful little girl I'd might have to borrow soon

The same alluring brown eyes

Be prepared to say your goodbyes

Yes I have been watching you

Still they have no clue

You know exactly who I am

You poor little helpless lamb

Strange how you could be so misled

Soon to be, oh yes my dear you will be dead

Your secret admirer xx

I dropped the letter to the floor as my knees gave way. I couldn't breathe, how could this be happening again?

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