Chapter 24

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Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily


Ricky xx





“I always needed time on my own. I never thought I’d need you there when I cry and the days feel like years when I’m alone and the bed where you lie is made up on your side. When you walk away I count the steps that you take, do you see how much I need you right now? When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you’re gone the face I came to know is missing too. When you’re gone the words I need to hear to always get me through the day, and make me feel okay, I miss you…”







The bright light shining through the blinds burned my eyes, I groaned and rolled my tired body over, putting my arm where I expected Skye to be still fast asleep, her body tightly pressed to mine. My eyes snapped open when I felt the bed cold and her tiny body missing, I sat up staring at my lightened room, rubbing my eyes and desperately searching for the girl I made love to last night. Every part of the house was silent; I felt the rush of an uneasy and eerie feeling wash over me, making me feel afraid. I pushed the feeling to the back of my head as I walked out of my bedroom, in search of my beauty.

“Skye?” Her name fell from my lips a couple of times as I searched the entire upstairs. The floors underneath my feet creaked as I slowly stepped down the stairs, the uneasy and eerie feeling took all over my entirety making the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stand upright.

“Skye.” I called once more, convincing myself that I would hear her angelic voice sound through the almost empty house. It was dead silent, not the silence you would enjoy when you want to be alone, but the silence that made you feel sick, and that made you feel like something was missing. A silence that made you fear, fear that the ones you loved were taken from your will, and you could do absolutely nothing about it, the feeling that something was out of place.

The big two door fridge in my kitchen stood open, hope washed over me, expecting to see her behind it.

“Skye, why didn’t you answer when I called you?” I walked around the door to see the milk spilled on the floor and various little bottles of condiments sprawled and broken on the tiled flooring. Adrenaline washed through me, knowing now that I should have trusted in my uneasy feeling that was trying to warn me, trying to tell me that something was not okay. I turned around searching for something that would help, give me a clue as to whom had taken her.

My eyes rested on a note placed on the counter, a pen lying next to it neatly. My feet seemed to not have been attached to my body as I moved towards it as fast as my body would let me.


Don’t you dare search for her or you’ll end up like Tony and Del Gallo. Leave it be and forget… It’s too obvious, I’m right under your nose, if you search for me or look for her, your life will be lost, heed my warning before you get burned…

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