Chapter 48

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Author's Note: This story is currently being edited. If you're a new reader, please comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want :) thank you! Ily

Ricky xx

"The dining room has an empty chair; the mirrored staircase has an empty stair.

House full of company, but no one's here. We singing cheers while we holding back tears

To keep up appearances in front of our peers, we play holiday card tricks every year.

Blackjack, poker; make the joker disappear, the ace can't breathe when it's tension in the air.

Three clubs in one night, but nobody cares, cause it's still not a full house without a pair.

You tipped your hand, but the text wasn't clear, you're dealing from the bottom queen of hearts, play fair! Don't understand what we gonna do, but it's like you don't know me and I don't know you, no more, not no more! And it's like damn, how the hell we get here? No idea, but we're not what we were before, could it be that I don't love you and you don't love me no more?

That girl don't live here not no more! Baby, baby, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, that girl no more! Slip in the door, you hold my hopes so; all I hear is love don't live here anymore. We can tear the house down or build some scaffold. We're sitting on a fence, so where you wanna go?

You're the architect of your life, it's your show, you create the blueprint and how the rooms flow.

Before you burn the house down, think, take it slow. Even arsonists need a shelter, let me know. And it's like damn, how the hell we get here? No idea, but we're not what we were before, could it be that I don't love you and you don't love me no more?

That girl don't live here not no more! Baby, baby, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, that girl no more!"


I was staring out blankly, my hands shaking in my lap as all of us sat in a booth, silently. I looked up at the sad faces that were crowded around the big round table, Niall's face was tear stained, Louis had his arm around Harry's shoulder, Liam and Zayn looked down at their fiddling fingers and Uncle John looked like he was about to be sick, his face sadly contoured. He had just lost his daughter and I couldn't help but to think that in some twisted way it was my fault, she risked her life to help me. I knew where Avery was but why couldn't I will myself to tell any of the people around me?

'You want to protect them', my mind whispered. An anxious feeling rushed through me, my daughter was in harm's way and I was the only one that could safe her.

"Where are you going?" Harry croaked, lifting his head to stare at me as I stopped in my tracks to face him. He sounded so brittle, broken, lost, I couldn't get his hopes up if Avery, if she wasn't alive when I got there. The thought immediately sent a terrifying chill down my spine, tears starting to pool in my eyes yet again. I took in a deep breath, trying to rid the lump that was starting to choke me.

"Out, I need some air."

"I'll come with you."

"No!" I shouted quickly as he started to get up, nice going Skye, now he'll for sure know that you're up to something. His eyes were searching mine, I knew what he was thinking, and I was pushing him away. He was thinking that I didn't love him anymore. My heart was breaking at the thought, he didn't know how much he meant to me, how much I needed him, relied on him. He was the one, cliché I know, God never did I think I would be the nineteen year old to say that, yet never did I think I would be the nineteen year old that saw two people die in front of her, date an abusive guy, end up in hospital more than I should, fall in love with a gang member or have a beautiful little girl, guess nothing in my world is normal anymore.

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