Hogwarts Express and the Sorting

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I'm still getting used to the fact that people are actually reading this. Anyway, what house do you think Harry will be in? You'll probably thinking Gryffindor or Slytherin. Who knows? Harry has the blood of all four founders, and he has a few of each aspects the houses want. Please comment. I can't tell you how much that would mean to me.

Ch.4 Hogwarts Express and the Sorting

  King's Cross Station is crowded. No muggle knows particularly why, but every year on September 1st and late May, at least 500 people pushing trolleys with weird items and crazy clothes show up. This year Harry is one of them. He's alone with Hagrid abandoning him shortly after they arrive at the station. The half-giant seems a bit cross with Harry for disappearing on him at Diagon Alley, but didn't act much different around Harry. Hagrid had left claiming he had to deliver Dumbledore the stone. Harry's family knows how Dumbledore think.  Dumbledore would make Hagrid abandon Harry at King's Cross with his ticket only for a light family to sweep in and help him to the platform. The only question is which family?
Harry's question is soon answered when he spots the Weasly's walking towards Platforms 9 and 10. Putting a smile on his face, Harry walks up to the huge family and tells them hello.
"Why hello my dear boy. Trying to get onto the platform?" A short women with wildly red hair asks.
"Yes. I am," Harry responds.
"Would you mind if we go first?"
Harry shakes his head. "No ma'am."
"Alright, Percy you first."
A teenager boy in Gryffindor robes runs in between Platform 9 and 10 disappearing.
"Fred you next."
Two identical boys with red hair and freckles step up to the platform.
"I'm not Fred. He is," the boy being called says pointing at his twin.
"Honestly women. You call yourself our mother," the twin being pointed at by his brother says.
"Oh, sorry George," the mother responds. Seriously, what mom can't tell her twins apart.
"I'm only jocking. I am Fred." And with that the two boys run through the platform quickly.
"Ron your up," Mother Weasley says shaking her head at her older boys.
Ron is apparently a tall boy in first year robes. As soon as Ron goes through, Harry nod his head in thanks and run towards the wall. He winces, but goes straight through.

The Hogwarts Express brilliant steam engine denses the platform in light smoke as Harry drop off his school supplies and luggage. Releasing Hedwig so she can fly to Hogwarts, Harry place Aditya on his arm and climb abroad the train. Finding an empty compartment, he sits down and pulls out the book Hogwarts:A History. Aditya climbs up into an overhead compartment and out of sight.
A boy Harry recognize as Ron from the platform walks inside. Doesn't even knock. The-Boy-Who-Lived resists a sigh as he place a page marker in his book.
"You mind," Ron says sitting down and making himself comfortable. "Everywhere else is full," he adds as if a afterthought.  Harry knows that's not true. Must have past over ten empty or slightly full compartments on my way here. Ron must have either figured out I'm The-Boy-Who-Lived or he's in Dumbledore's pocket.
A short time later, a knock sounds at the door. A girl with curly blond hair, grey eyes and first year robes sticks her head inside the compartment. A powerful sense of a mix of dark and light magic surrounds the girl. Not grey just mixed. Interesting.
"Can my cousin and I sit here? All the other compartments are full of insufrable people, and we can't find any of the people who aren't."
"Sure," Harry responds. "Take a seat."
"Thanks," the girl says as she and another steps in. The other girl wears second year Ravenclaw robes and has silky black hair tied in a single braid and striking dark blue eyes. 
"My name is Helena," the Ravenclaw says. "And this is my cousin Aaliyah." 
"Nice to meet you," Harry responds.
He tries Legilimency on the two girls, but finds very strong shields in place. Harry would be surprise if even Dumbledore could get through those walls. He turns his attention to Ron and tries to search his brain. As expected, Ron has no barriers and even someone as new at the process as Harry can float through Ron's brain unnoticed. Harry finds that Ron is in fact, a spy for Dumbledore. Wonderful. *Note the sarcasm.*

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