Maid Service?

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His interest was piqued, to say the least. 

There were no wealthy people in his area to his knowledge, or anyone that would need someone to serve them... maybe there were a few kinky fuckers near him, but Denki swatted the thought out of his head.  He clicked the link and began reading the job description. 

Maid for hire. Skills required: Basic cooking and cleaning, preferably some level of charisma. 

Pay: 1,200¥ per hour

If you are interested, please fill out and submit this form: LINK HERE

Denki clicked on it. Maybe he wasn't spectacular at cleaning or cooking for himself, but he was one of the best workers at the restaurant he worked at and ended up filling in for all of the positions at least twice, despite his original spot as a server. Anything to get a better paycheck. 

He filled out the form, since the pay was pretty good and he wouldn't be opposed to serving a wealthy family, as long as they were more tolerable than his coworkers. The questions were easy to answer, pretty simple and mundane. The usual job application stuff. Name, age, past jobs, phone number, email address, etcetera. He flew through the questionnaire in a matter of minutes. 

Now all he had to do was await the call for his interview. 

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