It's So... Poofy.

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"EEE! OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING!" Fuyumi squealed, bouncing from side to side. 

After a few seconds, she calmed herself, taking a deep breath. 

"My apologies. You simply look adorable!" She walked closer, smoothing out the apron. "What do you think?" She asked once she pulled away, her hands clasped together. 

"It's so... poofy." Denki remarked smartly, swinging his arms back and forth so the dress would fluff up a bit. The petticoats flounced, and the overskirt fluttered. His legs were free and the only thing restricting his genitals (other than his undergarments, of course) were small shorts Fuyumi said she wore to bed, but were becoming tight. Fuyumi grinned, running her hands down the soft material of the dress. 

"It fits you splendidly." She complimented. "Anyways," She sighed, "I'll show you your room? If you decide to live here, that is." She tapped her fingertips together. 

Denki nodded. "Should- Should I uh, change out of this?" He asked, cracking his knuckles anxiously. 

"No, it'll be fine. You should get used to walking around in it, anyways." Fuyumi smiled sweetly, grabbing his wrist and leading him out of her room and down the hallway once more. 

She pulled him into a room down the hallway from the living area. Opening the door with a gusto, she did little jazz hands with a cute smile. 

"Ta-da!" She allowed Denki to walk past her to look at the room, marvelling at how large it was. It was just about as big as his entire studio apartment, which was... depressing. 

"Uh. Wow. Y-you'd let me live here? I-it's such a nice place..." 

"Of course! I can't guarantee my father will be any kinder to you once you move in, but I can ensure my brothers will love you!" She clasped her hands. "Speaking of which, you have yet to meet Shouto! He's a sweetheart, I do hope you'll get along." 

Denki nods, taking in the large room. There was a queen sized bed up against one of the walls, the curtains were light and flowy, and there was a dresser, vanity, and closet. "It's lovely..." He murmured. 

"I'm glad you like it! You can start work... next week. How does Wednesday afternoon sound?" 

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