Meeting Boss Man (and his sons 😳)

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Denki stood in front of a giant motherfucking house in the downtown. 

Fuyumi said he would likely be the at-home maid and have in his own room in the house if he so chose. (He might definitely choose that option 😳

He took a deep breath. Then another. And another. And shakily reached for the doorbell. 

He had dressed his best again, wearing loose jeans and a collared shirt under a sage-y green sweater. He'd painted his nails again, this time with a dark green to match his outfit. He pressed his eyes shut and quickly pushed the doorbell. 

He could hear heavy steps from the inside, then the door opened to reveal a man, most likely in his late twenties or early thirties, a cigarette hanging from his lips. His hair was a bluer shade of black, white roots in need of a touch-up. His eyes were a piercing, icy blue. Bright blue, some mix of azure and ultramarine. He had a fuck-ton of piercings, eyebrows, ears, lip, nose. He wore mostly leather, a shiny jacket and too-tight pants paired with tall, platform shoes (as if he needed them, he'd probably still be around six feet without them). He wore a regular, ratty white shirt underneath, his fingernails lacquered black and his muscular hands adorned with shining silver jewelry. 

"Who are you?" He asked, looking Kaminari up and down. The blond squirmed under the cold gaze. 

"Uh- K-Kaminari!" He cleared his throat. "Kaminari Denki." He chuckled nervously, patting the sides of his thighs. 

The man trailed his gaze up the length of Denki's small figure. "You the new maid?" He grunted, puffing a bit of smoke from his mouth as he took the cigarette from his lips with his pointer and middle fingers. 

Denki nodded. "D-do you live here?" He asked. The man shook his head. 

"Moved out a while ago. Jus' passing through;" He puffed more smoke. "Name's Touya by the way." He added. 

There were more, quicker footsteps. 

Fuyumi, a messy-haired blond man with sharp eyeliner, and a woman with really long silvery hair and gorgeous, long lashes appeared behind Touya. 

"Touya! Are you intimidating the maid?!" Fuyumi grabbed Denki's arm and tugged him inside. 

Touya rolled his eyes. "No. Came out for a smoke, heard the doorbell ring." He answered quickly. 

The blond man chuckled and put out his hand. "Sorry about him. Name's Takami Keigo. You can just call me Keigo though." He grinned charmingly. He looked like a movie star. Absurdly handsome with an equally absurdly blinding smile. 

He wore a deep, wine red button up, unbuttoned to show a tasteful amount of chest and collarbone with black jeans and a studded belt with gold chains, that matched the color of his eyes, dangling from it. He also wore gold rings and watches on his hands. He was quite a bit shorter than Touya, but still taller than Denki and Fuyumi. 

"Kaminari." Denki smiled back and accepted a handshake. 

Touya grabbed Takami's hip with his free hand, holding the cigarette in the other. The woman with the beautiful hair smiled. She reached out her hand, just as Keigo had. 

"Usagiyama Rumi. Nice to meet 'ya." 

Denki accepted, locking their hands together. "N-Nice to meet you too." He smiled shakily. She was shaking his hand heartily, he feared she was going to pop his shoulder out of its socket.

She was taller than Denki, in platforms at least. She would likely be around his and Keigo's height without them. She wore tight, tattered, black jeans adorned with lots of silver chains. She wore a dark purple muscle tee with a rabbit design on it, paired with a studded vest with a bunch of pins decorating it. Her nails were painted red, though the polish was chipped. 

Fuyumi smiled politely when Takami announced the three of them would be taking their leave, exiting the room, which seemed to be some sort of entrance hall. 

"Touya didn't scare you too badly, did he?" Fuyumi asked, looking over Kaminari's face like an older sister would. He shook his head. "Great, wonderful! I'll be taking you to meet your boss then! This way." She took hold of Denki's wrist and began tugging him along. Her voice filled the air as she led him into the house. 

"We used to have a maid, but Father was too harsh on him. He quit after a few months." She stated as Denki admired the artwork on the walls. "He was a sweet boy, I believe Shouto had a bit of a crush on him! They may have dated, but we've never really talked of him after he left. His name was... Midoriya, if my memory serves me correctly." She glanced back him as they turned to climb a flight of stairs. "I'm so glad we found you though! Your application says you specialize in cleaning?" Denki perks up. He nods. "Yeah, but I do have some experience cooking. My friend says I make really good creme puffs?" He offered nervously. 

Fuyumi nods. "If you won't mind, I believe I'd like to cook? And you clean and serve the food?" 

Denki nods with a grin. "Sure, I don't mind. I'm not too good at cooking." He chuckled and they turned a corner. 

They turn another corner and stop in front of the door. "We're about to see my father, your boss. He'll most likely not like you too much, just try and keep quiet unless he specifically asks you a question." She whispered. 

Denki gulped. 

Fuyumi opened the door. 

The guy was huge. 

He was at least six foot five. He could see where Touya got his height from. Denki gulped again as the man looked him over. His eyes were the same shade of electric blue as Touya's were, if not more piercing and intimidating. His hair was a garnet red, like the streaks in Fuyumi's hair but a few shades deeper. He had a nasty scar over his left eye that dragged down to the tip of his chin. His muscles looked like they were about to fucking rip the sweater he had on. 

"This is the maid?"

Fuyumi nods, a little smile on her features. "Yes!" She answers, linking their arms together. "And he's the best applicant we've got! Unless you've decided we no longer want a maid, he's the one!" She smiled wider, seemingly trying to sweeten the deal. 

The man looked Denki over again. He then grunted and waved them out of his office. Fuyumi smiled brightly and pulled Kaminari from the room, closing the door behind them. Fuyumi grabbed his hand and began tugging him elsewhere. 

"Uhm... Todoroki-chan?" 

"Please, just call me Fuyumi." 

"O-okay... Fuyumi? Is he always like that?" Fuyumi hesitated. 

"Yes, pretty much. But on good days, he may soften a little bit!" She offered, attempting to lighten the mood. Denki nods and tries to swallow the lump in his throat. "Now, come along! Your uniforms are in my room." 

"Who's the cutie, Yumi?" A gruff yet laid-back voice called from somewhere next to them. Denki looked to where it was coming from, finding a guy that looked strikingly like Fuyumi sitting on a plush-looking couch. 

He looked sweaty in his sleeveless shirt and gym shorts. He had the same snow-white hair and storm-grey eyes Fuyumi did, but had a sharper jawline, a playful glint in his eyes, and his hair lacked the red streaks Fuyumi had. Fuyumi rolled her eyes, pulling Kaminari closer. 

"This is Kaminari, the new maid. Please don't bother him too much. And get off the couch, you just got back from the gym!" 

"Where am I supposed to sit then?" 

"The floor." She retorted, pulling Denki along again. 

Once they had left the living area behind, they were walking down a hallway, adorned with similar art pieces as the rest of the hallways, except here, there were doors with names on them. The first was Touya's, the mahogany adorned with notes telling others to stay the hell out. Then Fuyumi's, decorated with aging paper snowflakes, most likely made in her childhood. Opposite of Fuyumi's was Natsuo's. His was fairly plain, with silly smiley faces carved into it and stickers he probably got from the doctor's office when he was young. The final one, next to Natsuo's, had 'Shouto' written in calligraphic handwriting on a wrinkled, fragile paper. Aside from the sign, it was barren. 

Fuyumi tugged Denki into her room. 

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