Chapter 4: The Twelfth Night

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After a few days, the audition day had arrived. Syre was abuzz with excitement since it was clear no classes would be going on that day as the theatre was full of aspiring actors and kids taking advantage of it and skipping class. Even the professors hadn't even gone to class. There were several girls auditioning for Viola and Olivia, and many boys for Sebastian and Duke including Logan Huxley. Maddie couldn't believe he was actually doing this just to spite her. She had to remind herself he probably wasn't any good in order not to stomp over there and make a scene. Why did every time he was nearby she wanted to go scream at him? Even when he wasn't around she sometimes wished he would. And then he was and she hated it.

"Okay students, settle down!!" - Principal Adams said.

This, for the first time maybe ever, quieted down the crowd.

"Thank you all for being here today for our Twelfth Night Auditions at Syre presented by Yale University!"

We all clapped. Also, not usually how this goes.

"Myself, drama teacher Mrs. Plack and your director for this play Esteban Dune..."

Whispers traveled the audience. Esteban Dune had directed "Under the Water" a famous TV series ate the moment.

"... will be doing the casting process today and results will be posted tomorrow. Good luck to all!"

This led to another wave of voices all talking about the play, Esteban and the drinks they had brought for the show. Students at Syre knew they were untouchable and were not afraid to play with it. Nate and Logan Huxley had already gotten out a case of beers, and had gotten dirty looks from teachers but that was as far as it went.

Maddie sat in the audience next to Amanda and Emily, since she was not up for a while. Amanda offered her a bottle of water, which Maddie took and immediately choked.

-"What the fuck Am?" - she said, laughing.

"Liquid courage", - answered Amanda, laughing her ass off with Emily.

And with that the auditions began, some bad, some good and some plain terrible. Riley Yates, a boy in 12th grade basically just stood there for 4 minutes straight mumbling. Maddie was anxious to go already because the later it got the drunker and restless the audience became.

As she was about to finally stand up to go get ready, Logan stepped onstage and Amanda gasped. He was wearing a suit and everything. Shit. he couldn't be serious.

Logan did his audition, and thought it all, Maddie kind of forgot to breathe. He was fucking good. And it made her rage. 

"He looks so hot" - voices all around said. Maddie was furious. As soon as he finished his scene and the director was praising him she went into the dressing room to get into character. She took 3 breaths and tried to get the image of Logan out of her head. Since when was he an actor? She got into a dress that could pass for "old" and a flower crown she bought was cute and in character.

"Maddison Pierce" - they called from outside, so Maddie stepped out into the spotlight.

Logan was right there at the front, drinking beer without any care in the world. Staring at her. "This will show him" Maddie thought, and began her scene.

At that moment Logan cursed the world for finding her attractive. The costume looked so good on her. 


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