Chapter 5: Stuck

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Nate hummed, amused at the power he held, so Amanda hit him.


"Okay, okay, so..."

Just then Logan came out of nowhere and hugged Nate from the back.

"Yo DUKE!" - Nate said looking straight at Maddie, whose stomach fell. It was clearly visible in her face so Logan chimed in.

"Don't be sad Viola." - he said, smirking. "Well be good together."

"VIOLA?!" - Amanda and Em screeched as Nate nodded, smiling.

Maddie couldn't even say anything as her head swarmed with excitement and anger all at the same time, and Amanda and Emily couldn't help but laugh.

"Here's to the happy couple!" - Nate said.

"More like the Unhappy couple" - Emily added, looking at Maddie and Logan just stare at each other.

Logan smirked at Maddie in a way only he could that drove her crazy. But before she could even recover and say anything the bell rand and Nate and Logan disappeared.

Later that day principal Adams announced that study hall that day meant all actors chosen needed to got to the auditorium for scripts and introduction stuff and Maddie was beyond excited. Fuck Logan she thought, he wasn't gonna ruin this for her. And, as much as she hated to admit it, he had been really good at the audition, so at least that was good.

"Okay everyone gather around" - said Esteban, which Maddie could still not believe. - "Welcome! Look around you. these are the people who will be your costars for the rest of the semester. I want everyone on their best behaviour. No fighting."

Maddie swore he said the slooking at her and Logan.

"Okay!" - he continued. - "I like to kick off the rehearsal period with a in-character photoshoot. Shooting you each in your character and costume gives you a good idea and forces you to come up with things about your character you would never have in action, in film. So that's what we are going to do today. If the photos look good, which they usually do, we use those to promote the play. People are expecting you behind that curtain to get you in costume. Lets go!"

Wow. Maddie could tell this guy was legit he didn't waste any time. Girls went to the left and boy to the right and were all bombarded with questions about their role, their sizes and stuck in a makeup chair. Maddie enjoyed every second of it- Having people do her hair, her makeup and dress her un in fancy old dresses? What was better than that? 

The boys finished getting ready before hand so they started doing photoshoots before the girls. As girls began to be ready they ran out to watch the boys. Since Maddie costume was one of the hardest she was one of the last ones out, only to see Logan on stage doing his photoshoot. He was carrying a bowl of fruit for some reason, (later Esteban said it was because of his wealth display) and was full on in costume.

 He was carrying a bowl of fruit for some reason, (later Esteban said it was because of his wealth display) and was full on in costume

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