do you want a brownie chapter 11

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I saw these brownies on the counter they looked so tempting I had to eat one I knew that Kian was hungry too so I was gonna bring him one but then Caroline and jasmine came in.

Coraline: what are you eating?

Olivia: brownies want one?

Jasmine: I do! they look delicious

Coraline: I'll have one too.

Hirum/Cruzes dad: what are you girls doing were about to leave

Jasmine: eating brownies so we won't be hungry on the way their try one their good!

Hirum: I guess I'll have one

Olivia- after hirum got one he left cause Isabelle was waiting on him. I saw Abigail and I offered her some too but she took the whole plate so they can eat them in the limo, but I needed to get water cause after eating those two brownies they left feeling weird.

Cruze: what are you doing were all waiting on you

Olivia:  I wanted water

Cruze- we all went into two separate limos Abigail, Jace, Seth, and ivy and my parents went altogether. I was with Arianna, Olivia, Kian, jasmine, and Coraline, but I had noticed jasmine and Coraline were acting weirder than usual

Jasmine: do you think they'll have pizza hut there?

Arianna: it's a Gala it would be weird if they did

Coraline: I just wanna get drank

Jasmine: did you mean drunk?

Coraline: I think...

Olivia- when we got there I got out of the limo but there was flashing lights everywhere I had to face the door and close my eyes for a while cause I was getting dizzy

Cruze- mind link: why does Olivia have her eyes close

Blade-mind link: she's probably not feeling well go ask her if she's okay

Cruze- mind link: that's her dates job

Blade-mind link: go ask her! She's our mate we have to make sure she's all right

Cruze- mind link: fine

Cruze: Olivia are you alright

Olivia: I'm fine, the lights just gave me a headache

Kian: Olivia let's go inside.

The others

Abigail- when I got to the limo I passed around the brownies

Abigail: do you want one?

Jace: yes. Wait Abigail where did you get these brownies

Abigail: from the kitchen Olivia and the others were eating them why?

Jace: no reason......

Jace- as soon as I saw Cruze come inside I ran to him

Jace: we have a problem

Cruze: what kind of problem

Jace: I might have given people weed brownies

Cruze: why would you give people weed brownies!?

Jace: it's what the vet told me to give my dog so he can take his medicine, they must have thought that they were brownies...

Cruze: who ate them?

Jace: who didn't...

And then we heard the loudest and most awkward laugh ever

Coraline:*laughs* her hat looks like a chicken leg

Cruze- mind link: whoever ate the brownies come to the back room, they were tainted with rat poison

In the backroom

Cruze: okay so they don't have rat poison I only said that to get y'all here

Abigail: So you went with rat poison!

Jace: you scared me half to death

Cruze:  you knew they had weed in them

Jace:  Oh right I forgot

Cruze: are y'all the only ones who ate them

Jasmine: no olive ate some too

Cruze: where is she!?

Hirum: the last time I saw her she was talking to a mirror

Awhile ago

Olivia: mirror on the wall does Cruze have feelings for me at all...

Hirum-strange kid

Cruze: y'all stay here

Jace: Abigail where are you going

Abigail: I'm gonna go look for that Olivia girl

Jace:  Cruze is looking for her right now and you can't be by yourself you've never been high before you need to be with people who can keep you safe

Abigail: I uh. I don't think I  need my neck anymore

Meanwhile with jasmine and Coraline

Jasmine: Hey sis where are you going

Coraline: all this brownie talk is making me hungry

Jasmine: wait watch it your gonna fall!

Jasmine- and she feels on the snack table

Coraline: don't worry I'm fine!

Arianna: Olivia Cruze has been looking for you what are you doing...

Olivia: making a shrimp tower.

Arianna: um come with me

Olivia: okay. your so pretty you look like a cartoon

Arianna: thank you?

Cruze- we cut the night short and I took them all to my house cause who knows what they'll do if they're alone. The whole night was weird I kept hearing jasmine and Coraline giggle and Abigail calling Kian Jace.
Olivia went straight to sleep tho cause I heard her heartbeat it sounded peaceful.
When I woke up Jace was In my bed.

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