Your a monster chapter 20

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Three days had passed since the best day of my life everything was good I became the Luna to the crescents Coraline and Isaac found out they were Mates at the wedding I'm happy for Coraline she has been waiting on finding her mate.

jasmine decided to get a job at a bar she said it pays well and she always wanted to be a bartender.
Isabella Cruze's mom wants grandchildren she asked us many times at the wedding having kids wasn't something me and Cruze have had a chance to talk about, to be honest, I don't know how to feel about the idea of being a mom I never really had one growing up so I don't know if I would be a good one...
anyways right now I'm home alone Cruze went hunting with Seth and Isaac and jasmines at work and Coraline and Arianna went on a run with most of the pack since today is a full moon, I decided to stay home though I wasn't really in the mood for a run or hunting icy was tho she wanted to run today but didn't force me because I wasn't up to it. It's 11 am right now so they'll all probably be back in an hour or so.

I heard a loud bang and woke up I probably dozed off without knowing
Someone threw a smoke grenade that filled up the whole downstairs, I couldn't see good the smoke was too thick but I did see a red dot pointed at my left arm... it shot at me but I stopped it before it could go into my arm but then another one came this time at my right arm and I didn't stop it,  this time it went into my arm...
I felt a little dizzy after that whoever had shot me must have seen that it didn't do Much so five more red dots we're pointed at me another one on my right arm and then my left arm my thigh and one to my neck and back that was enough to knock me down because I remember nothing else.

Cruzes pov

While we were hunting all I kept thinking about was Olivia, I found it odd that she didn't want to go on a run she loves running... I few hours had passed and it was about to be 1 am so we decided to call it a night but on our way back I couldn't feel Olivia I couldn't even mind link her and blade couldn't feel icy, without thinking I ran to the house leaving Isaac and Seth I could hear them running behind me but they couldn't catch up when I got inside I smelt smoke and saw fog I looked around for Olivia but couldn't find her but on the floor, I found a dart with wolfs-pane in it enough to knock a regular wolf out but since Olivia isn't a regular wolf they must have used more..whoever took Olivia was an idiot, Seth and Isaac finally got here  Isaac came in grasping  his hand to his chest from running a lot "what happened?!" Isaac said while trying to catch his breath "Cruze why are your eyes blue?" Seth said while looking around the room "Someone broke in and took Olivia"

                  Back to Olivia
When I woke up I was tied to a hard wooden chair with metal cuffs on my wrist and ankles I was still in my black spaghetti strap and my black skinny jeans I was very uncomfortable I had a headache and my vision was blurry probably from being shot with wolfs-pane five times, I started to look around to see where I was from what I could tell the walls were made of stone the floor to there was only one window behind me it was tiny though I wouldn't be able to fit through there even if I tried then the stone door in front of me swung open a man came in from what I can tell from my blurry vision "where am I!" I asked even though I knew they wouldn't tell me "you were hard to knock down" from the sound of the voice I was positive it was a man "Olivia Luna oh sorry.....Olivia "Ryder" Luna to the crescent pack daughter of Derek Luna and Rosalie James sister to Abigail James and wife to Cruze Ryder alpha of the crescent pack" "what do you want from me," I said with confusion "nothing well at least for now your here cause your Cruzes mate for that I am sorry you were mated to a monster," he said brushing he's finger from my cheek to chin " I'm not," I said moving my head away from his grasp.                         "you must be wondering how you can't mind link to Cruze, you see these walls here were enchanted by a witch making it difficult for wolfs to contact other wolfs even mates impressive isn't it?"  He said with a chuckle, I was so distracted by trying to figure out where I am I didn't even notice the mate bond was severed.                                                                               "I'm going to press a button that's going to bring the mate bond back so Cruze can feel what's gonna happen to you," he said walking out of the room. Then that's when the chair started to electric shock me I felt pain everywhere I couldn't help but to scream and keep screaming for that long minute that felt like ten.       "I'm only doing this to hurt Cruze it's unfortunate that you were the only way I could hurt him," he said with a sigh  "your a monster," I said with a low breath                           
                          "no the man you married is"

     Back with Cruze
Hours had passed since Olivia was taken it was almost dawn I had pack members search the territory for any signs of her or of anyone with a scent we don't recognize but so far nobody's found anything the people who took her must have planned this a long time. I was angry I didn't know I haven't slept or even sat down I spent all night running trying to find her scent but found nothing,                                                    out of nowhere I finally felt Olivia but not in a good way I felt the pain she was enduring, then the mate bond was severed again it wasn't on long enough for me to sense where she was, whoever had her wants me to know that was just the beginning.

                             Back with Olivia

From what I can tell from the little window it's morning. even though I don't have the mate bond I know Cruze is trying his best to find me...

my vision finally came back I could see everything much clearer, the room I'm in wasn't just built for wolfs but as well for vampires and witches I was basically just a human in this room and as fragile as one...the doors opened again I was expecting to see the man but instead, a women came in she looked like she was in her late twenties from what I can tell from her scent is that she's also a wolf
"I have brought some water and bread for you," she said with a soft voice, she lifted my chin and poured water into my mouth I'm not gonna lie it felt refreshing then she put the bread into my mouth. "How long are you?" She said with surprise and shock in her voice, I have no idea what she was talking about but before I could ask the man came in
"you're free to go I'll take it from here," he said with a demand "yes sir," she said speed walking out of the room. The man walked deeper into the room now that I can see better I see what he looks like he's tall and muscular with dark brown hair he's definitely in his early thirties, he came up to me and crouched down he held a big syringe in his right hand and put his left hand above my wrist
"This is wolf spane so this is going to hurt," he said with a grin
"it probably would if I were only a creature of the night," I said with a cocky tone, then he gave me a confused look. A woman barged into the room "get away from her she's with child" she yelled, me and the man were both shocked he must have seen my surprised expression cause he stood up and questioned her "how do you know" he said with a rage tone
" it's one of my powers as a witch I can sense when a woman is pregnant and I can assure you she is" my eyes started to shut I was probably about to faint from this information how could I have not known there were signs I lost appetite in eating and didn't want to go running because I felt nauseous I must have fainted cause I woke up in a different room there was a bright light above me and I was wrapped on a bed women stood beside me " I promise I'm not going to hurt you I just want to see if the baby is alright," she said with a soft voice "okay" she lifted my shirt but just a little over my belly button and placed cold jell on it, then I heard a heartbeat on the ultrasound "the heartbeat is strong that's a good sign your baby seems alright from what you've endured," she said with a Cautious look "how far am I?" I said with a shaky voice "your two months" she said with almost a smile. Then I was brought back into the room I was in, on the way here I was thinking about making a run for it but I wouldn't want to risk hurting the baby...

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