Chapter 2

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Ricky was, in a 3 months time, going to college. The idea of staying local and having his parents driving hm there, because buying new transportation was "a waste of good money", sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to go to an American college, Duke, Kentucky, UNC where all appealing prospects for him. They have some of the best NCAA teams. But with this 'want', there came the touchy subject of telling his parents.
He asked one of his friends, Jonathan, if he'd come as back up to help his case.
"Ok" Was the answer given along with,
"Do I get free bear?"
Ricky hesitated
"Fine, only one"
Ricky didn't know why John wanted alcohol lots of the time. He took it as a one of, although, he had taken it as a one off several times prior. Sometimes Rick would worry about his friend.
The two of them walked into the room, nervously.
"Hello, son what's up"
"Um, I think it's time to talk about my future" Ricky replied to his Father.
"I think I want to go and study in America"
"Ok... Whys that" his mother queried.
"I want to play in the NBA"
Silence filled the room for ten moments.
"We've always said we'd back you when you want to do something but it a big world boy, there are hundreds of people looking for a ticket to the, the um..."
"NBA?" Jonathan added.
"Yes, yes the NBA" Michael, Ricky's dad finished.
"I know but I'm good, really good. Coach says good enough to go for it" Ricky quarrelled.
"He can shout anywhere the offensive end of the court" John said helpfully in his friends favour.
"you've got to be tall, really tall! They have 7 foot 2 blokes in every team" Ricky's mum said pleadingly.
"Ok, um, take Nate Robinson he was 5' 9", smaller than me! And he won three slam dunk contests, three of them!"
"Which colleges are you thinking of?" Added Michael.
"I'll sen you a list and you can have a look" replied Rick.
"Ok, we'll talk about it" said Martha Ricky's mother.
"Thanks mum, dad" continued Ricky in an extremely exited tone for a teenager.
As they walked out, Ricky and Jonathan high-fived
"Thanks, John... You the real MVP"
The boys laughed to this.

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