6. Together Again

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"Give me the book Stefan," I said with anger.

My hand was around Elena's throat.

I have never been the same since the night I died and lost Sophia.

I haven't spoken one word about my Sophia since that night. It was a hard subject to talk about.

Emily told me that when me and Stefan were shot, Anna found Sophia and took her so she wouldn't be alone.

I became a mess after I lost her. I turned it off and I think the only person who can turn it on is Sophia.

I gave Elena to Stefan and grabbed the book and sped away. I need Katherine's help to find Sophia. I need her.

Do I love Katherine? Yes I do. But do I love my daughter more? Yes, yes I do.

I went to where Anna was staying.

"I know I work better alone but I'm missing a witch and your in need of a certain spell book," I said appearing behind Anna.

"Fine but only because I want my mother back," She said.
We were at the tomb and Bonnie and her grandmother were preforming the spell to open the tomb. I had a blood bag in my hand for Katherine. My plan was grab Katherine and go and look for my daughter. The two got the tomb open.

Sophia's POV
It feels like I've been in here for a hundred years. My throat is burning.

I don't know what day it is all I know is that I am 16 years old.

I am hungry and I want to get out. I have been through hell and I don't want to go through anymore. I blame everyone for what happened to me.

I blame Anna, I blame Pearl, and most of all I blame Katherine.

"Stefan I don't think he would find her here," I heard a voice say and that name sounded so familiar.

"We have to try so he can leave," A familiar voice said. It sounded like my Uncle. Could it be him?

It can't be he's dead I saw him die.

Footsteps and light come toward me. I grab one of there ankles. I figured it was the unfamiliar voices but they jumped.

"U-Uncle Stefan," I said with a raspy voice.

"Sophia," Uncle Stefan said.

"H-Help me please," I beg.

"Elena go get Damon," Uncle Stefan said.

"Phia I'm right here, I'm going to get you out of here," He said to me.

"Elena what is it?" I heard my father's voice.

"Papa," I said.

"Who is this?" He asked.

I felt hurt at his words.

"It's Sophia, Damon," Uncle Stefan said.

"I can't be Emily said Anna took when we died Stefan," Damon said.

"It's me, Papa," I said.

He bent down and looked at me, he examined me and I saw tears come to his eyes.

"Sophia," He said.

I weakly nodded.

He picked me up and we walked out of the cave thing and light came to my eyes.

"Who is that," I heard a girl ask.

"I'll tell you later," I heard the girl who was with my Uncle whisper.

My father placed me on the ground, I felt my knees go weak so I fumbled over causing my father to pick me up again and vamp speed to a house I guess he was living in.

He laid me down on the couch.

"Sophia," He whispered.

I smiled, I have my Papa back and I am out of that hell hole.

"Hi Papa," I answered.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry, if I knew you were in there I would've gotten you out sooner," My father said.

"It's fine, I'm here now," I said putting my had on his cheek.

"I missed you princess," He said. "I missed you to, Papa," I said with smile on my face.

I haven't smile in what felt like a hundred years.

"Papa what year is it," I asked.

"It's 2022," He answered.

"So I've been in there for over a hundred years?" I asked, he nodded.

"I'll teach everything you need to know also your going to school," He said.

"Why do I have to go to school?" I asked.

"Because if we're going to live here it's going to be weird that a 17 year old girl is not in school," He answered. I rolled my eyes.

"You'll be fine Stefan will be with you," He added. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uncle Stefan goes to School?" I asked out of confusion.

Papa laughed and nodded.

"Come on let me show you your room," Papa said grabbing my hand.

We walked up the steps and I saw a lot of rooms.

He walked me to a room, it was royal blue with a Queen sized bed in the middle of the bed.

"If you need in any thing my room is 4 doors to the left and your Uncle's room in 3 doors down to the right," I nodded my head.

"Also tomorrow we will go out shopping to get you some clothes but for now there should be some clothes in the drawers," He explained.

"Ok thanks Papa goodnight," I said giving him a hug and a Kiss on the cheek.

"Good night sweetheart," papa said following my actions.

I closed the door and went into the bathroom that was in the room and took a shower. It took me a while to figure out to turn it on but I figured it out.

I stripped myself of what was left of the dress I grew out of years ago and stepped into the warm water. I finished and walked out and went to the drawers and spotted some clothes.

I put them on. I didn't feel like sleeping by myself so I went to Papa's room. I knocked on his door to see if he was awake.

"Come in," I heard him say.

I walked in and seen him laying on his bed.

"Hey Sophia, anything wrong?" He asked.

"No nothings wrong it's just that I didn't want to sleep by myself," I answered.

He moved over, making room for me. I walked to his bed and placed my self into his arms.

"I missed this," Papa said. "Me too," I said.

My eyes started to get heavy so I let them close and fell in to a deep sleep.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I didn't explain the timeline of this story and it will be modern time, I know season one of The Vampire Diaries takes place in 2010 but I didn't want to do that. this story isn't going to follow the actually storyline but still have parts of it. Anyways, bye guys.

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