24. Full Moon

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A/N: i skipped an episode because I didn't know how to write it in my own way. So just to catch you up if you don't know what happens already Stefan saves Jeremy from being in the tomb with Katherine in exchange for the moonstone and now they have to get him out. 

Sophia's POV
I'm currently at the Gilbert house bored as ever. I'm sitting downstairs currently eating on of my weird cravings. As you all remember I'm pregnant. They put me on Elena watch for two reasons one because I'm pregnant and two I can keep Jeremy from doing anything crazy. Anyways I'm watching my favorite show when I hear Elena coming down the steps. I speed to the stairs and hop in front of her. 

"Um where are you going?" I ask with my arms crossed. 

She stops suddenly form seeing me. I can hear her heart racing. Behind her comes Jeremy and Bonnie. 

"Why are you on some suicide mission?" Jeremy asked. 

"I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt," Elena explains. 

"So bring Klaus is keeping other people from getting hurt? Your lucky your pretty," I chuckled. 

Jeremy shakes his head and leaves and I go back to my show. I act like I don't hear Elena getting the moonstone from Bonnie's bag and hear her grab her car keys. Bonnie soon comes and sees her. 

"Where are you going?" Bonnie askes. 

"She's trying to go kill herself," I answer. 

"No I'm not, I'm going to see Stefan," She says. 

"You're lying," Bonnie says. 

"No I'm not," Elena says. 

"I can hear your heart beating faster and then your face says it all," I say from the couch. 

"Are you serious?" She said upset. 

I just shrugged it off and continued to watch my show. Jeremy soon comes back down the stairs. 

"She took the moonstone," Jeremy says. 

"How did you...?" Elena asked in shocked. 

"We tested you, and you failed," Bonnie explained.

"Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen," Elena explained. 

Bonnie steps aside letting Elena try and walk through the front door. Key word try. A invisible barrier is blocking Elena from getting out. 

"What did you do?" Elena asked. 

"Its for the best, Elena," Bonnie says and walks away. 

Jeremy comes and joins me on the couch and I cuddle into his side continuing watching my show. Something's been off with him lately and I don't know what but it is. 

Hours later me and Jeremy are in the kitchen. Jeremy is cooking me some more food and Elena is currently sitting on the couch mopping. I hear the door open and walks in my Dad. 

"Hi dad," I say. 

"Hi baby girl, are you feeling okay?" he askes walking over to me an kissing the side of my head. 

"Yeah Jeremy is taking to long with the food," I say. 

My dad chuckles and walks over to Elena. 

"You should really lock your doors," Dad says. 

Elena just looks at him with a pout. 

"Come on pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity," dad continues. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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