Chapter Three - Open For Business

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"Well, that was an asshole move," Kim commented before throwing popcorn at the sheet that the movie was being projected onto.

"What do you mean?" Nat asked her. "That was sweet!"

The girl snapped her head toward Nat, purple highlighted hair almost invisible in the dim lights of the theatre room. "He just insulted her and her entire family in a confession of so-called love."

"Okay, yeah, she might be onto something," Marisa added from beside Nat.

"It was adorable. I don't give a damn what either of you says." Nat rolled her eyes and plopped another piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"Well, it's not hard to see where your taste in men comes from," Kim muttered.

Marisa howled in laughter and Nat could feel her cheeks getting heated as she tried to stifle the laugh building up in her throat. "What is that supposed to mean?" She took the remote and paused the movie.

"Anybody want a refill?" Kim held up her bag of popcorn like she was trying to see just how much of it was left.

"Kim," Nat tried getting the girl's attention back over in her direction.

"I'm going for a refill."

Before she or Marisa could catch her, Kim was already hopping over the two rows of seats and trotting toward the door. Nat rolled her eyes.

Why did Kim have to be the athletic one of the group?

Sighing, she turned to Marisa. "I'm going after her."

Nat heard her sister sigh as she left the theatre in search of Kim, who stood in the kitchen like she'd just climbed down from the countertop.

"You do know that there are people for that, right?" Nat asked as she entered the kitchen.

Kim's small eyes squinted even smaller as she gave her a look. "Not everything is for other people to do, Natasha," she said as she got down from the counter.

Marisa pushed her way passed her sister and further into the kitchen. "What were you even doing up there?"

"The popcorn's usually in the cupboards, right?"

Nat shrugged. "The people who are very much employed to do that usually take care of that so, hell if I know."

Kim threw her popcorn bag into the bin and folded her arms as she leaned onto the counter. "Alright, you've got me cornered."

"Weren't trying to corner you, though," Marisa commented before hopping onto the island.

"You weren't. I was." Nat dragged one of the stools and sat opposite her friend.

"Your taste in men is ...questionable to say the least."

Nat rubbed at her forehead. "Yeah, I get that part."

There was a moment of silence between them. Nat could feel the two pairs of eyes on her. "Say it," she said at last. "There's something that the both of you have obviously talked about and neither of you is saying it."

Kim sighed. "Why are you with Mitch, Nat? We all know that the guy is no good for you and yo—you're supposed to be the smartest one between all three of us—"

"Actually, I think I'm the smartest," Marisa added with a proud smirk. "Mitch is proof that she's not as smart as we think she is."

Nat was about to reply when Kim continued. "Anyway," she stressed the word. "The guy's an asshole."

"He is," Marisa agreed.

"Neither of you have ever spoken to him for more than five minutes. Besides, at least he's never cheated." Nat shrugged.

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