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Mitsuya x Takemichi


[A/N: this'll probably be the shortest one-shot I've written.]

Mitsuya had been extremely stressed out lately.

His school was having a festival and, given he was the president of the sewing club, he was in charge of making costumes for the entire school.

Thankfully, out of all the classes in the school, only 24 of them were doing themes that required costumes.

Unfortunately, 80% of the sewing club members were busy with preparations for their classes theme.

It also didn't help that Mikey had been calling back to back meetings due to other gang's trying to steal Toman's territory, having to take care of Mana and Luna full time because their parents were on vacation, studying for the upcoming finals, and the training of Toman's newest recruits.

Mitsuya Takashi was overworked and stressed out to the T.

He was too stubborn to ask for help and the only one who seemed to notice was Mitsuya's lovely little boyfriend, Hanagaki Takemichi.

Mitsuya would show up to meetings irritated or carrying a box full of sewing materials and clothes. Sometimes he even had to show up with Mana and Luna.

Takemichi had to step up when it was training day because Mitsuya would become extremely frustrated with the recruits and nearly walk off.

At this point, Takemichi knew Mitsuya was basically a walking time bomb. At the same time, he knew he needed to talk to Mitsuya and convince him to let go of his pride and ask for help.

Mitsuya wasn't just worrying Takemichi, he was worrying Mana and Luna as well.

Both of the girls had told Takemichi what was going on and how they felt. Takemichi knew he needed to lighten Mitsuya's to do list a little....he just needed to talk to Mitsuya first.

"Kashi-kun? Why don't you take a break. You've been at this for hours. The meeting has long been over, love." Takemichi said as he gently approached Mitsuya.

Mikey had called another meeting and, much like the last few meetings, Mitsuya showed up with a big box full of sewing materials and clothes with Mana and Luna following him like baby duck's follow their mother.

"Not now mitchy. I'm almost done sewing the embroidery onto this dress." Mitsuya said not bothering to look back at Takemichi.

Mana and Luna went to the park with Emma and Hinata while the meeting took place. Mitsuya had immediately went into the shrine and began sewing. Takemichi and Hakkai listened in so they could update Mitsuya on anything he missed.

Now that the meeting was over everyone had left and Mana and Luna were placed in Takemichi's care. It was now way past lunch time and both Mana and Luna were hungry.

"I understand that but Mana and Luna are hungry and you need a break to eat something as well. So, stop sewing and let's go home." Takemichi insisted.

Hopefully the mention of his baby sister's would make him take a break. Mitsuya never put anything before his sisters, hell Mitsuya never put Takemichi before his sisters and that was how it was supposed to be.

So, imagine Takemichi's shock when Mitsuya took his wallet out of his pocket, tossed it to Takemichi, and refocused on the dress in front of him like Takemichi wasn't even there.

"Then feed them." Takemichi sighed when Mitsuya said this. His boyfriend was being a little insensitive at the moment but Takemichi just let it go.

"Alright, I'll bring you something back." Knowing he'd get no response, Takemichi left the shrines premises with Mana and Luna to take them to a late lunch.

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