Chapter 1: A new place (Rewritten)

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Plaguing thoughts and memories flashed through your mind, like a constant stream of consciousness that immediately disappeared when you opened your eyes. No stabbing beams of sunlight, no blinding circle in the sky, but a calm manageable amount of traces from the sun. Although it was almost noon, it was freezing and the cold had bitten deep into your arms and legs, being barely able to move them at all. You rubbed your legs against one another and your arms over the upper arms of your other one in an attempt to warm them up. Your little fingers almost as cold and stiff as a popsicle grabbed the edge of your torn and tethered hooded cloak. Your fingers were grey, even more so than normally; one of the earliest stages of frostbite. You looked around: a narrow dead-end alley between two houses with the open side to a decently busy street with all kinds of shops. You called this place home for a couple of days, stealing food when no one was paying you any attention or was too busy dealing with an actual costumer. You looked right to see a big black stone with purple spots was there and a small stick of meat: a sausage. The only advantage that the cold had was that food was preserved very well. You grabbed it and stuck it in your mouth; sucking on it until it became soft and you could chew on it. To wash it down you cupped your hands and took a handful of snow to eat it, melting in your mouth to water and you swallowed.

Brutus walked out of a tavern. Although, walked out? He was actually thrown out of it by the owner because he became too aggressive when he drank too much. He tried to draw his sword back then, but some other patrons were quicker; alcohol dulls the reflexes after all. So, he walked down the street, slightly swaying as he drank so much his balance organ had trouble doing its job. Frustrated and agitated he turned into a narrow alley to rest but saw a small thing sitting there.

'Hey get the hell outta here!' a loud and angry voice resonated through the alley and hit your ears like an avalanche that covered every thought until all you could focus on was that voice. You looked up to see a mountain of a man, hunched over and unstable on his feet, wearing a brown wool shirt and a darker shade of pants with leather boots with a sword hanging on his left hip. He had a scar through his right eye, but could still see and the time left its her marks all across his face, which always had a frown on it. His skin and eyes had an unhealthy yellow tint, indicating cirrhosis. 'Hey! Didn't ya 'ear me?! Get the fuck away, damn demon!' You cowered at his loudness and backed yourself further until the wall was pressing heavily in your back. The man approached and his right hand went to his sword, slowly and unsteadily unsheathing it. 'Fuck off, ya bastard or I'll kill ya!' he drunkenly threatened you. Please stop, you thought as his loud and foul language struck fear into you. In my old live I could have easily beaten him, but I'm still so small, you thought. You couldn't back yourself up anymore and looked at the man wide-eyed, memories biting into your brain like the cold does into your bones. You could only watch, petrified as he brought his sword up. Your hands were in front of your face, with the palms outward in an attempt to block the object that would lead to your inevitable demise. Or so it seemed.

All of a sudden a strange feeling formed in your lower belly, a feeling that was completely new to you, but also felt like you had it since the very day you were born. A feeling that started in your stomach, that was grumbling due to a lack of food, and extended to your arm and past your palm, which started to glow red. Please! Someone out there! Help me! Then after a jolt of energy in your palm the feeling faded away and a scream filled your ears and a CLANK. 'AAAAAHRG!' You opened your eyes again, slowly as to carefully take the scene in. The man that attacked you earlier held his right shoulder and his sword was on the ground.

It was a rare occasion for Ghislaine as she didn't have to watch Eris for now. Instead, she had to do some shopping as Philip ordered her to do. She didn't really enjoy it, but he was the one paying her handsomely after all, so she did it anyway. Some people stared at her as she walked by, as it was a sight to see: A incredibly muscular female beastskin with cat features, grey fur and hair and wearing clothes that didn't leave much room for imagination walking down a street in a city where the vast majority of inhabitants were humans. To top it all off, she was the bodyguard of the family that ruled over aforementioned settlement and the surrounding region actually. The woman walked down the street until she came close to a alley between two buildings where she heard a cry of pain. She looked to see a man of about her height clutching his right shoulder and his sword on the ground. He was hunched over and when he screamed, Ghislaine assumed it was him, he had a drunken undertone.

The reincarnated Demon (Male Mendoris Reader x Mushoku Tensei) Where stories live. Discover now