Chapter 3: Arrival (Rewritten)

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A/N: Have fun with reading the longest chapter yet.

You woke up, just a bit earlier than usual, due to the other nightmare you had. That made two nightmares in a row, since you slept here. Why am I getting these nightmares, you thought. And what was that last one? It certainly wasn't something I had already experienced, unlike my first nightmare. You just shrugged it off and put on some clothes: brown boots, black pants and a white shirt, comfy and warm. Despite the cold outside, you had it quite warm. You could just walk around in a short sleeved shirt while the rest of the inhabitants were almost completely covered in clothing, except for Ghislaine, but you didn't know whether she did that on purpose or not. You left your room and decided to go to the dining hall, to see if anyone was there and also because it was one of the only places to which you knew the way to by heart.

Something was bordering him, it was written all over his face: his little bags under his amethyst eyes, his slumped shoulders and his feet that were slightly dragging across the floor as he walked to me. 'Good...' I started, but couldn't speak any further as I was startled by him climbing onto my lap and leaning against my chest. 'Nightmare?' I asked. 'Nightmare,' he confirmed. I stroked his (H/C) hair lovingly with my left hand as my right hand was wrapped around him. 'You want to talk about it?' I asked. He looked up, into my green eye - my other was covered by an eye patch - and said in the most innocent way possible: 'You're warm and comfy.' (Y/N)'s comment made my heart melt and embarrassed me a bit: no one ever told me that before. 'Thanks.' His head fell against my chest, his eyes closed and I could feel his breathing become calmer. The door opened again and Philip came in. 'Ghislaine, could you...' he started. 'Shhh!' I sushed him and pointed to the sleeping child on my lap. 'I see,' he said. 'I'll have someone else do it.' I nodded to him. I tried to speak as little as possible in order to not wake up the little bundle of Ardoni that was sleeping against me. We stayed like that until it was time for breakfast.

Someone poked your cheek. You opened your groggly eyes and looked up to see Ghislaine smiling down at you. 'Breakfast's up,' she said. You rubbed your eyes to get the tiredness away from them, jumped off of her and stretched yourself out as far as you can. 'Okay,' you said and walked over to the other table and took your place. Ghislaine sat down next to you as per usual, while some maids brought in the food for breakfast. 'Good morning, Nymeria,' you said as the young maid put down a plate with bread. Her ears perked up a bit when you greeted her. 'Good morning, (Y/N),' she greeted back with a smile and walked off to get the next platter of food for you guys. The servants never minded you eating in front of your eyes as they already ate way earlier than you, at the same time as the guards that had morning shift.

A couple of moments later the other residents slowly dropped in. Sauros was the first one to enter after you and Ghislaine and sat at the head; he greeted you shortly. Sir Rodney came after him and sat down too. 'Have you slept well, young lad?' he asked you. 'Not really, but I did got some shut-eye,' you said.
'Is the bed not to your liking?'
'No, no! That's not it. Just trouble sleeping.'
'Alright. Say, Lord Sauron. I heard that Horace is coming back from the mission you sent him on?'
'They'll be back in the afternoon!' the Lord of the Fittoa region told him. 'Who's Horace?' you asked them. 'You know how I'm the captain of the guard right?' sir Rodney asked and you nodded. 'Well Horace, or general Altman actually, is the leader of all the soldiers in the region.' 'Then, why do you call him Horace?' you asked, it seemed like they were close. 'I've known the man since he was just started to learn the way of the sword, I trained him actually. He's a young lad and a tad inexperienced, but he more than makes up for it in talent and results,' the older man said. 'We've become good friends, but Will is his closest.'
'Who's Will?'
'He's the captain of the scouts and the best archer we have. Before you can even blink once he will already have fired three arrows. Additionally, he's also a very skilled tracker and excellent in using his surroundings to his advantage.'
'Him and Horace have been best friends since three years, but it looks like they've been since childhood,' said a new voice. You looked over to see that Philip had joined the conversation and room and Hilda and Eris followed soon after him. 'It's truly impressive what those two can do when they work together, which they do often,' said sir Rodney. The three of them sat down at their places. 'Can I meet them?' you asked. 'If Nymeria allows it. She teaches you in the afternoon, right?' Philip asked. You nodded. 'What were they doing actually?' you asked. 'I send him to fights a group of abnormally organized bandits!' the voice of Sauros thundered through the room and you flinched; you still had to get used to how loud his voice is.

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