𝚸𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The school ends and Bella is nowhere to be seen. I shrugged, guess I'll walk home! Halfway through I see Jacob walking alone as well...


"Hey, Jake." I greet him, confused.

"Why are you walking here? It's really dangerous, with the attacks and stuff going on..."

"uh... yeah, but Bella is with Edward and they didn't come back, so I thought to just walk, you know. It's good for health!" I ramble.

"Ugh, that bloodsucker," Jacob says under his breath.

"I heard that," I tell him.

"My bad..." he mocks. I laugh and he does as well. "Hey, why don't we go to our spot? Bella is with her... boyfriend anyway." He gags at "boyfriend". It kinda hurt because it's super clear how much he likes Bella, but I don't have any other friends my age, and Jake is really fun to be around, a little intense at times, but still fun. I laugh a little to not make it awkward but Jacob notices my sudden expression change.

"You don't mind if I talk about Bella, do you?" he asks.

"Um- n- no, n- not at all..." I lie, even though I wanted to tell him just the opposite.

"Don't worry, I won't" He says and side-hugs me. I return the gesture.

We walk through the forest and reach our spot.

We end up staying there till dawn. I complete all of my homework and Jacob introduces me to new birds, bugs, plants, and trees. We make flower garlands and lay on the grass, just talking to each other. I ask him about coming with me to the prom, and he says yes!! I didn't ask him if he'd be my date, just as friends.

"What do you feel about dying?" I ask him.

"I feel... I feel we don't die. The soul's just made a new body for it to bear." He says. A real basic answer, but I feel the same.

"Yeah, I feel so too."

"Have you ever fallen in love?" he asks.

"No. Not... really," I answer.

"Do you like someone as of now?"

"y- no. no, I don't." I accidentally slip, but get myself together before making it super clear that I indeed, lied.

"You're lying." He catches me. Aw man.

"N- No, I am not," I tell him.

"Look at me then. Look me deep in my eyes and tell me that you don't have a crush." But... why? He rests on his left arm and partially hovers over me. I look at his eyes, so innocent and fiery. I gulp.

"I- I d- don't like anyone as of now, Jacob," I whisper, my voice unable to come out.

"mhmm..." he whispers, his breath fanning over my face, goosebumps running through my body. We keep looking at each other's eyes for a moment or two and Jacob's fingers touch mine, my breath hitches as I feel certain electricity run through my body, giving me goosebumps yet again.

"Y/N? Jake?" Bella says. Can I have no privacy?? In a literal fucking forest even???

Jacob sits up straight and I do the same.

"Oh, hi Bella..." Jacob says, his voice cracking a little. He clears his throat.


Word Count - 528

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