29.Knockout and Smokescreen

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I didn't make them a couple here, they're just partners.


I don't understand why I work with that white transformer - whatever his name was.

 I don't remember what happened at all, but it's kind of creepy.

I remember being with Breakdown, I recall that we were looking for something or found it, but the rest was a mess.

Awakened on Earth in the desert without energy and wounded, as if some monster tried to tear me apart to take out the spark.

Was found by the so-called neutrals, of course I was glad I didn't die a fool's death, but to me some of them are still Autobots and Decepticons that I know - not used to calling them neutrals.

No one would tell me where my comrade was or what was wrong with him, I sometimes wandered the corridors of the base, because no one would tell me anything, and then I got a new partner, Smokescreen, who annoyed me in some way.

To say that I wanted to kill him would be to lie to myself, because such a desire never occurred to me during work on the Earth's satellite, I rather wanted to hit him or return the same coin - a joke, I mean - because he did it often, sometimes I think that a little more and kill him for it.

Yes, we were mostly in space, not on Earth - doing research and looking for remnants of energon.

Something told me that something bad happened to my partner, I don't know how to explain it, because I don't remember anything at all from the moment I got to Earth, but nobody wants to tell me what happened to him, it's like asking a lot.

When on one of those mission days, my new partner came up to me with a very sad face plate.

Smokescreen: Do you really want to know the truth?

Knockout: Yeah... "Why is he sad all of a sudden?"

Smokescreen:  I hate to disappoint you, but your partner was already infected the moment you found the artifact, he was the one who wanted to kill you and tear you apart on Optimus' orders.

Knockout: What?!? I don't believe you, he couldn't have done it!

Smokescreen: Sorry to disappoint, but I was a witness to that and then we were all thrown back to Earth, you weren't only injured, but also partially infected in the process and that damaged your memory, that's the only reason you can't remember what happened.

Knockout:  This can't be happening! It just can't be!

Smokescreen:  I'm sorry, buddy.

The world's turned upside down, how could this have happened... 

Yeah, I'm not a professional, but I'm not the first rookie to screw up a mission like that... 

When could my partner have gotten infected? 


Smokescreen: Are you okay? - his servo was on my shoulder and woke me up from a trance.

Knockout: What? Oh, I think so, or maybe not... By the way, why did you break the news to me?

Everyone kept quiet or avoided the subject.

Smokescreen:  Only because there was no point in talking and it would have come as a shock to you, so you would have continued to think he was alive.

Knockout: Keeping quiet is like lying.

Smokescreen: So I should have screamed about it sooner?

Knockout: I don't know, and anyway, I'm a doctor, not a...

Smokescreen: Knocky.

Knockout: Don't call me like that!

Smokescreen: Oh, don't be mad, at least now you know the truth, let's go finish the job, our friends are waiting for the report

Knockout: Phew, we still need a few more samples.

I have no idea how I got to this point, but honestly, I don't regret it at all. 

I hope you're not mad at me, Breakdown.


Face plate - face

Servo(s)- Hand(s)

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