16.Friend and enemy

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"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." 

Optimus' mortal wound didn't stop the chaos and warfare, Sideswipe and Blurr met on the battlefield as enemies after all this time.

Before we left Cybertron, an accident occurred that I still can't forgive myself.

Sideswipe: You think you're going to get away with this, Blurr?!?

Blurr: I've already gotten away with it, my dear friend or whatever you're usually called me. While we're standing here swordfighting, your friend is dying of the agony she got thanks to me.

They were immune to simple dark energon, but nobody said that pure dark energon or other experiment form of isn't poisonous to them.

Blurr: The Strongarm is about to die, an imminent demise for her.

Sideswipe:  No way! You're bluffing!

Blurr: Hmm, if I'm lying,  go and see for yourself, you'll find out a lot of interesting things.

The racer's servos trembled, but he managed to switch on the comlink to contact Bumblebee while still fighting with Optimus' puppet. 

Sideswipe:  Bee, is Strongarm there with you? Anybody on the line?

Bumblebee:  ... We're in trouble... She's dying. I don't know what to do! Oh, come on!!

Sideswipe: That's not true! Nooooo!

A devilish smile appeared on Blurr's face plate as he heard the confirmation that he had done his job best.

Blurr:  See, you're so easy to hurt, just have to hit your weak spot and be done with it.

Sideswipe: You're gonna regret this, Blurr! 

The racer looks like he's going to break his denta in anger.

Blurr: Do you think so? I don't have a weakness, unlike you! Also, my name is Blackout now, not Blurr!! - devil smile.

Sideswipe: You shouldn't have pressed on my sore spot! 

There was a scuffle between them and Sideswipe cut off Blurr's servo, but he couldn't finish him off as his friend's life came first. 

By the time Sideswipe ran to the spot, Strongarm was no longer moving...

Sideswipe:  Why am I not fast enough?!? This is some kind of cruel joke!!! - he hugged her body.

Instead of falling into despair, he bit his partner's servo as she had done him the first time. 

Racer thought it would work, because if it wasn't for the cadet, he wouldn't be standing here now.

There was no reaction, he bit again, nothing happened...

Was it really over?

Sideswipe held her breathless body in his servos and was already thinking that he would have to bury her, that this was the end, and he would be blown away again, but what a face plate he made when the Strongarm began to move despite her wounds .

Strongarm: "gasp" Cough! Cough! What happened?!? My optics went blurry, I thought my spark was already over. Seriously, I'm not that optimistic...

Sideswipe: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy! Just lay on my servos. I'll carry you.

Strongarm: Tha...n...ks - she slowly closed her optics.

Sideswipe: Rest up, my Blue rose. - he gave her a light kiss.

Bumblebee:  I think we've earned our rest for today - he said.

Sideswipe:  Yes, we do... At least for now...

They walked a long way across the Cybertronian wilderness until they reached the hidden base.

It was the base where they used to hide from patrols deep underground, and it was also where a lot of the events that connect all the gers happened.

This is where they requested a bridge to Earth. 

And there they provided assistance to the Strongarm.

After that day, Sideswipe decided that the next time they met he would blow Blurr's helm off instead of his servo like he had today, because you can't give your enemies a head start.


Servo(s) - hands

 Face plate - face

Denta - teeth

Optic(s) - eyes

Helm - head

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