6. Feel Lola's Wrath

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I fixed up my hair and the skirt of my uniform for the awful day of Monday. Why can't the week just skip over to Tuesday? Then everyone would hate Tuesdays, am I right?

I hated to do it but I put Blu up for the night, afraid Noah would sneak in and take pictures of me sleeping with my teddy bear. I know right, totally paranoid. But it's not like it's impossible for him to think about it.

Speaking of Noah, the idiot; he added me back to the chat at least 20 times before he gave up. (Of course I logged out each time, having nothing to say to him.)

Don't need to think twice about leaving the most popular guy in school alone.

Just wish he'd do the same to me.

Since I have to worst luck possible for a teenage girl, I will forever curse the day Noah Whatever-your-middle-name-is Asher was born. I jump down the stairs and say goodbye to my mom and dad, after putting Blue back on my bed, and raced out the door. I was half way down the street when I remembered one large detail that I had once upon a time forgot.

Noah was my neighbor.

"Hey, Baby Lo!"

I groaned loudly as I stomp my running to a slow walk.

But no distractions. Keep walking, Lola. Ignore him.

"You should show me the way to school." Noah says, now walking side by side with me, easily pacing my speeding up pace.

"I'm pretty sure you can walk straight from here. It's really that simple if you look around good enough." I state, rudely.

This guy was changing my nice personality. First person ever....

"Don't want to. Plus, your mom promised me." I stopped in my tracks and dug my nails into my now red hand. How could she make promises for me without my consent. Especially to this doof who she knew good and darn well I couldn't stand?

"You wouldn't want to hurt your precious moms feelings, now would you?" he asks, his eyes threatening.

"What do you want, Asher." I say and cross my arms, angry and both my mom and him.

"I already told you want I wanted." he says, his smirk coming back. "And what is that? Because the soon I give it to you the sooner you go away." I say and start walking again.


I almost stopped again as my heart thudded in my chest. What kept me going is the thought of how many girls he's probably told that to this year.

"Come on, Lola." he says, grabbing my elbow. Good gosh. Does he know anything about personal space? Because I highly doubt it. He needs to be chained to s seat and given a thorough lesson on Ps. Personal. Space.

"I just need your help this one day. My car is in the shop, so I want you to show me the way." he said, his hand snagging on the tie of my uniform shirt.

I glance at his outfit and see he's not wearing a uniform and scoff before jerking my elbow from his grip.

"Just follow and don't speak." I mutter.

"Like we're sneaking to your bedroom." he says with a chuckle. I stop and turn around to face his laughing form with the coldest glare possible.

That shut him up. Only until we got to school, the dirty minded freak.


As we get onto school property, Noah calls out to one of his friends, Brent Hunter, and I walk as quickly away from his as I can. His group, Brent and a few other guys are the most popular boys on campus and if I get seen with them, that'll attract more attention then I've ever received. Ever.

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