She Cheats: Lauren

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Today. Today was the day I was going to ask Lauren to be my Fiancée. It has been 2 years since we met. Today was her birthday, and I wanted to take her out on -the best kind of date I could ever think of,- a date.

I've already told the girls about it. They were estastic, especially Dinah, Ally and Normani when I asked her if they could help me set up this date, saying they've all gotten an idea. For Camila, well, Camila, being my older sister than me will help me out with picking out a ring.

But, they were also very cautious, knowing about the past incidents that occurred between Lauren and I's relationship.

Camila has warned me the most though, she knows that I've been heartbroken by Lauren many times. She's physically hurt me when she was drunk, broken up with me, and has said really degrading things to me. The singer had to get together with me by the management because she's been going out to many parties and has done things that had put the band on the risk of ending. So, they said they would either fire her, or she would have to pick up the pieces and get her shit back together. *Poof* And that's when I came along. I actually hated it at first. But I needed the money to her for my mom. When Lauren was at her worst, the management couldn't let Camila help out our mother because the last time one of them asked for a small price they've found out they were forced to sneak it out to Lauren. When the world found out of me, they didn't see me as Camila Cabello's younger sister. They thought of me as an naive young girl, which I was. Many of the Harmonizers quickly found out I was a Cabello, some didn't really want us to be in a relationship, because they all knew Lauren would have to break my heart in some freaking way. Others thought it was a good idea, to put us together. It would be like those good meets bad kind of story, and I would end up changing Lauren for the better.

Camila was ballistic when Lauren introduced me as her girlfriend. Camila hated when Lauren hurt me. But, Lauren and I had worked everything out, and now, I love Lauren with all my heart.

"Are you sure this is the one, Y/N? I know, it's really really pretty, but I just wanted to make sure since you've always been like that, liking it 'till the last second but at the last second you start freaking out and doubt it." Camila asked, for the fiftieth time these 10 minutes. I giggled.

"Yeah, Kaki. It is. I promise." I repeated, every time Camila would ask. It was a gold antique brass shaped ring, with a cream pearl in the middle. I knew it was simple, but it was really pretty. It had costed me a couple thousand dollars, but I knew Lauren was worth it.

"Holy fuckin- shit! Y/N, that costed you like $9,ooo dollars!" Camila yelled, looking at the ring once we had gotten into the car. I rolled my eyes, turning on the ignition. Whilst driving, Camila kept talking about her dream to get married, and her baby sister beat her to it. I simply smiled and kept listening, being the good sister I am.

"Lauren's worth it, sorry."

Today was really late to buy a ring, especially how today is Lauren's birthday, meaning it was the day.

"Let's go to my house first, I want to put on some comfy pants." Camila suggested. I nodded, not wanting to get involved with anything that would get me stressed. Whenever I get stressed I get extremely nervous, which nobody wants that to happen.

Once we got to the girl's house, I heard some fighting and screaming. I decided to stay in the living room, whilst Camila went over to find out what's happening. I played with the small black box in my hands, thinking about how happy I felt with Lauren.

"Again? You fuckin- LAUREN. YOU CAN'T SAY IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING FAULT! She fucking loves you and you keep doing this to her!" I heard some screams. Hearing Lauren's name, I quietly went upstairs. The doorframe was blocked by the three girls.

"D, what's going on...?" I asked, my voice so fragile. Dinah looked over to me and smiled sympathetically.

"Y/N, go." I pouted, basically needing to know what was going on.

"But why?" I asked, trying to get through the door. But Dinah wouldn't let me. So me being that childish person, I pushed and squeezed through the door. Once I succeeded to get through the door, I quickly regretted it. I saw Lauren naked -but blanket covering her- sitting on the edge of her bed, a girl naked in the sheets. Knowing immediately what she had done, tears quickly rushed to my eyes, and my knees went week. Collapsing to the floor, Lauren looked over to me with frantic eyes. The girls rushed over to me, not letting Lauren get any closer to me than she was, which I was really grateful for right now. I knew she was probably going through stress yeah, they've just finished a tour, and that she's been getting hate, but the last thing I'd ever think she would do to me was to cheat on me. Now I knew clearly what pain feels like. It felt like, knowing you love someone with all your heart, and that person not even knowing you. Like knowing that the person you love and is committed to is still going out with other people behind your back. It felt like getting stabbed multiple times in the heart, and the the knife being twisted and turned many times.

"Babe, it's not what it looks l-" With sudden anger, I quickly threw the box at her, and ran down the stairs. I ran into my car, tears rushing down my face. I heard the girls screams for me to come back, but with all the sadness in me I just couldn't take anything anymore.

Why would she do this to me?

Speeding down the road going back to my house, I knew I was going to fast. Especially by the fact that I couldn't see clearly. And I knew it all came to fast, because before I knew it, my car had flipped over due to me speeding through a red-light. I fell unconscious, and everything went black.

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