What Your First Argument Was About

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hi! i published ANOTHERRR book today. literally another one. so that's...*counts for a second* this one, the lern one, the dinah one, a camila one, and the new book. *counts again* FOUR BOOKS. liek four members of one direction, and four albums. and four/five snapchats from the girls.

wHICH LEAAADS ME TO MY NEW BOOK. it's about snapchat, and it's a you/camila book. :) I'm working on an ally one and a normani one, but i'm literally confused with the story lines, so i'm sticking to just these for now.

but i have an idea for a fifth harmony/you one. ;) but not now.


and then today, i had practice but a lot of people that are on the team went somewhere for a trip thing, so it was me and my four other classmates, aND IT WAS SO FUN BESIDES THE FACT I SLID TOO MANY TIMES AND MY KNEES ARE PRETTY MUCH BRUISED UP. but i spiked the ball and hit someone in the forehead iM V SORRY. it was 2 against 3 and it was rlly fun.

and apparently, i think someone in my class likes me. because someone told me. oops. ;) but it's okay. my eyes are only not blind for fifth harmony and one direction and cara and other people. shh don't tell anyone.

uh, idk what else happened in my day. oOOH I WAS PLAYING BASKETBALL AND SOMEONE THREW THE BALL AT ME AND IT HIT ME AND NOW MY FINGER IS A BIT BRUISED. and i'm scared for it because it'll hurt like a bitch when i try volleying the ball during practice for volleyball. and last time i caught the basketball weirdly, my whole finger went purple and bruised. it was bad. but it healed, so i guess i won't die. lol.

but guys, leave me some ideas so i can write them down so i'll write actual imagines for the girls liek for real now.

not just bad preferences. :)


Your's and Lauren's first argument was about management. It wasn't really an argument where both of you were angry at each other, it was one where management was putting pressure on you behind Lauren's back and it got to especially because it was on top of the pressure from the paps and fans, and you thought that it was best for you to break up. But y'alls sorted it out, and y'alls are still good.


You and Camila had an argument about hate. She once came from a party whilst you had stayed home trying to deal with hate and the fact that there was a picture of Camila kissing another guy, which lead to an argument which lead to Camila breaking up with you drunk, not knowing what she was actually doing, so you went to Lauren's, stayed there, still dealing with the hate until Camila came to you and apologized so many times, trying to make it up to you until you gave in, (after legit like 2 months) in which she stopped the hate for you.

^ that made no sense to me. oops.


Ally and you had an argument on whether to bake cupcakes or cookies, in which lead to wrestling, which then lead to a tickle fight. In the end, Ally decided that both of you would just make both, and give what was extra to the rest of the girls...which lead to making more since Dinah and Camila hogged everything.


i always wonder why normani looks so friggin' hot in her snapchat.

Your's and Normani's first fight was about who was cuter, Camally or Caminah, which you thought was Camally since Camally is bae, but Normani thought Caminah was goals.

In the end, you two decided that Camren was the cutest, despite the fact that both of you found them making out in the kitchen when you went to get food.


dinah looks fab in her snapchats. i love whenever ally's in her stories because dinally is literally my mom.

Dinah and you had a fight about what TV show to watch; The Vampire Diaries or Pretty Little Liars, which was solved by Normani when she went on Netflix to watch Glee.

You still thought PLL was better to watch.

And Dinah thought The Vampire Diaries was better.

And Normani just watched Glee.

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