~Chapter One~

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Valentines day.. a holiday I've never celebrated, or cared for.  I'm not heartless or anything I just don't care for it!  I've always felt that way, until now.  Ever since I've met Mateo, the royal wizard of Avalor.  My name is Carla.  Yes, I know I know I was that wanted girl a few years ago.  Well, I've changed!  Okay?  Good, because this story is a little awkward and I'd hate for you to just say "Well, I'm not reading something by this idiot." Back to the point... Mateo.  Possible the most perfect boy on earth according to me.  I guess every girl has someone like that.   As a matter of fact I'm on my way to the palace.  Mateo asked me yesterday to come over tonight for a surprise.  My mother and father are still separated, whether I like it or not.  It kind of hurts, but it's for the best so nobody gets hurt again.   My father um, is kind of an alcoholic.  He's been that way since my mother left.  My mother's twin sister disguised herself as my mother and tricked my father.  I didn't know that my mother and father never got along.  I guess I kept them together.  Anyway, back to tonight!

3rd person POV

Carla approached the side of the palace.  Mateo was standing in front of the gate waiting for her.  

A sweet smile came across his face once he saw her.  "Hey, I'm glad you came." he said.  Carla beamed.  She smoothed out her purple dress and looked up at Mateo.  It was almost sunset.  Mateo's green eyes looked into Carla's purple ones.  

"U-um, so why did you want me to come here?" Carla stammered.  

Mateo cleared his throat.  "Don't you know today is Valentines day?" he asked.  Carla nodded.  

"I guess, I never do anything for it though." she replied.  Mateo frowned.  

"Oh, wow.  But don't worry!  I have some fun things planned." he assured, now smiling at her.  Carla smiled back.  "Okay, where are we going first?" she asked.  Mateo pointed to the palace.  

"I need to tell Elena I'm going out.  She's been very insistent about everyone telling her where they're going, y'know?" he explained.  Carla nodded.  "Sure, let's go." Mateo held out his hand for Carla to take.  

She immediately took it and the two walked inside the palace.   It was very well decorated for Valentines Day.  Elena had gone all out this year since she just got engaged to the love of her life, Gabe Nunez.  Pink streamers and hearts were mostly everywhere they could be.  As Carla and Mateo walked inside Elena noticed them and smiled.  

"There you are!  I've been looking for you Mateo."  she exclaimed.  Mateo cocked his head.  "You have?" he asked.  Elena nodded.   

"Yeah, I just wondered where you went.  Are you and Carla going out?" she asked.  Mateo frowned.  

"Yeah, Naomi should have told you because she said you-" he started.  Then he realized it.  Naomi set the whole thing up, so that Mateo would finally ask Carla out on a date.  Elena giggled.  "That Naomi!  Well you two have fun!  Gabe and I are just going to spend a romantic evening alone." she smirked.  

Mateo looked embarrassed.   He didn't know why, he just felt like that.  Carla smiled at Mateo.  "All right, Elena.  I don't know what we're doing, but we'll see you soon." she reassured.  

Elena grinned.  "Perfect.  If I don't come down to see you when you're back, it will probably be Esteban.  He's going out with Dona Paloma tonight, but he'll be back early."  she explained.  Mateo looked interested.

  "Oh he is?" he and Carla giggled.  Elena laughed.  "Yep!  He said it was business, but it's not.  Just a friendly date." she reassured.  Carla nodded.  "Okay," she grabbed Mateo's hand, causing him to blush.  "We'll see you soon." 

Elena beamed.  "Have fun!" she ran up the stairs.  Mateo and Carla walked back outside to find Luna standing in front of the water fountain.  Luna jumped up and down excitedly.  "Finally!  I've been waiting on you both." she exclaimed. 

Carla smiled.  "What are you doing here?" she asked.  Luna looked confused.  "You didn't know Mateo planned out this evening for ya'll?" she asked.  Carla shook her head.  

"Nope, at least not until a while ago." she admitted.  Mateo blushed.  Luna wagged her tail, like a dog would.  She always thought it was funny when she did that.  "Well, you're in for a treat!  Hop on!" she chirped.  Carla hopped on gladly and so did Mateo.  

Luna took off towards the village.  Carla frowned.  "What's there to do at the village?" she asked.  Mateo shook his head. 

 "Nothing, we're going to Nueva Vista." he confirmed.  Carla nodded.  "I love that city!  I've only been once, but it seemed nice." she remarked.  Mateo grinned.  

"Yeah, just promise you won't stop another parade like that AGAIN." he joked.  Carla squeezed him affectionately. 

Mateo felt a weird sensation going through himself.  He'd never felt like that since, well forever.  It took a long time, but they finally reached Nueva Vista.  Luna dropped them off at the port.

"Have fun yall!  If you need me I'll be here napping!" Luna burst.  Carla smiled as she hopped off Luna.  "Thanks, Luna."

Luna beamed.  "No problem, hon.  You just go along with your date.  Don't let me ruin it for yall!" she joked.  Mateo chuckled.  

"Heh, thanks.  Let's go get something to eat." he told Carla.  Carla nodded.  "Sure, did you already pick a place?" she asked.  Mateo nodded.  "Yeah, it's called Casa Paco.  I think you'll like it." he assumed.  Carla nodded.  

The two walked down a long sidewalk towards the cafe.  The city was surprisingly quiet for Valentines Day.  The street was dark, but there were a few lanterns set up for tourists departing the kingdom.  The cobblestone side walk had puddles of water all over it.  It had previously rained the night before.  Carla and Mateo heard the light noises of talking further up the road.  

"At least we're not fully alone." Mateo remarked.  Carla didn't say anything.  She kept walking, and fast I might add.  Mateo had to jog a little to catch up to her.  

"Everything okay?" he asked kindly.  Carla looked at Mateo and gave him an apologetic smile.  "Yeah." she replied quietly.  Mateo grabbed her hand.  

"Sorry, if I'm acting like a jerk.  It's my first date y'know." he announced.  Carla laughed lightly.

  "Don't worry.  It's my first date too." she admitted.  Mateo looked back at her in disbelief. 

 "Really?  You've never dated?" he asked.  Carla shook her head.  "No, I just never met anyone I wanted to date." she clarified.  Mateo felt embarrassed.  They finally approached a group of people standing in line in front of what appeared to be the restaurant.

The line moved slowly.  Carla looked annoyed.  Mateo sighed.  "Sorry, I know you don't like waiting." he remarked.  Carla forced a smile.  "It's fine.  I'll ask how much longer the wait will be." she moved further up in line.  Mateo gulped.  

Carla came back with a glare on her face.  "We won't be seated for an hour.  Let's just go somewhere else." she suggested.  Mateo nodded.  "Sure, let's go to that waterfront cafe." The two walked back towards the harbor.  This time arm in arm.

Hey yall!  I'm going to try to finish this later on this week <3 have a great day/night

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