~Chapter Four~

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In Mateo's room, he sat on his bed thinking about the previous night.  He smiled to himself.  He recalled the smell of Carla's perfume.  He sighed.  A night like that may happen again, but it could never be that perfect.  He looked at the window across from him.  The weather outside was gorgeous.  He decided to ask Carla out for a picnic.  Mateo gathered himself together and walked outside to the hallway.  

He practically ran to the kitchen to prepare the basket and blanket.  He smiled as he folded the picnic blanket.  Naomi peeked in the kitchen and laughed, which caused Mateo to jump.

"Gah!" He turned around to find Naomi standing behind him laughing.  

"Well, well, well!  Who's that for?" She teased.  Mateo groaned.  "It's only you!  It's for me and Carla.  Now, please leave me alone, Naomi." 

Naomi giggled.  "Sure, sure.  Just one thing, save me some pie!" She ran off to find Elena.  Mateo shook his head.

After he finished he asked Elena if she could let him borrow Luna for the day.

Elena smirked.  "Sure thing.  Why though?" She asked.  Mateo sighed.  "I was gonna take Carla on a picnic." He explained.

Elena nodded.   "Okay, well great!  I'm doing some paperwork today so I'll be in my office if you need me." She told him.  Mateo nodded.  "Thanks, Elena." 

After he found Luna, the two headed over to Carla's cottage.  

Mateo ran over to the door and knocked.  To his surprise, Aashna answered like she was going out at the same time. 

"Uh, hello?" She studied Mateo.  Mateo laughed nervously.  His teeth clenched.  "Um, hi I'm Mateo.  Is Carla here?" He asked.  Aashna nodded.  

"Yes-" She began slowly.  "Are you taking her out today?  She never told me." 

Mateo swallowed.  "This was kind of a spur of the moment thing.  It is okay though?" He asked.

Aashna nodded.  "Yeah, sure.  I'm going out so just bring her back by 5 or so." She replied wearily.   "Thanks." Mateo opened the door to find nobody inside, or at least it appeared that way.

"Carla?" He called.  A door on his right opened.  Carla came out wearing a black dress. 

"Oh, hey Mateo.  What's up?" she asked.  Mateo smiled.  "Wanna go on a picnic?" He asked.  Carla smiled as she smoothed out her dress.

"Sure!  I have some food we can take along-" she began, but Mateo interrupted.  "That's okay.  I have some food from the palace." he explained.

Carla nodded.  "Great!" she took the picnic basket from Mateo as they headed off to a quiet spot.

Luna, as always, was sleeping under a tree.

Once Carla and Mateo found their spot, which was about 5 minutes away from the cottage, they settled down and set everything up.  Mateo suddenly heard a noise behind them.  

"What's that?" he turned around frantically.  Carla cocked her head.  "I didn't hear anything." she touched Mateo's hand gently.  "It's okay.  Let's just eat." she gave him a sweet smile.  Mateo gladly returned it.  They started to talk about Mateo's mothers garden, which was coming along nicely for February.  

"It's going pretty well.  She has all kinds of vegetables and herbs." Mateo explained.  Carla nodded.  She remembered their old garden which was behind her old cottage. Her father would help her with it when her mother was away. She frowned at the thought of her father.  Mateo noticed and touched her hand and gave her a small hug.  Carla returned it.

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