Chapter 1: Rise Up and Take Your Place

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Many of us in the modern day church don't realize what's at stake here. There are thousands upon thousands of people today that are on the verge of devilish territory. That's why we as believers must take a stand for what we know is right. It doesn't matter about what others think about you. It matters that lives are being transformed in such a way where God does His thing in their lives. So what if people reject what you're saying? As long as you're speaking the true Words of God, you're doing the right thing. I'm not saying that Christians are perfect. I'm saying that we must follow what the Lord says and take action upon it.

I remember when I was 6 years old, I had a karaoke machine with a cassette tape player that records cassettes. I would go outside in my front porch and start talking random things that I didn't know what I was talking about half the time. As years have gone by, I would begin to start preaching all over the place, from the back yard to the front. Plus I preached when I go to my family members' house when I have nothing to do. I was a preaching machine. The moral of this story is that our generation is looking for answers and we as the church can't stand by and let our generation die without knowing the One who created them. That my friend is Jesus Christ. If we don't preach the Cross of Jesus, then what will become for the next generation? Or better yet what will become of us as believers? We must first shake off the religion, what people says and/or thinks; we must be willing to repent and change our own ways before we can spread the truth of the Living Word to people.

To conclude with this chapter, allow me to say, don't become like the religious people who judge, criticize, or even show a sign of hate to others. Be somebody that people are going to gravitate to and will notice right away that there's the light of Jesus shining so brightly through you that you are making a difference in somebody's life.

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